Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Seven players have been dismissed in the latest intercontinental group stages and last night the organising committee of four officials each from Italy and England , chaired by Bristol City 's Leslie Kew , held a crisis meeting in Pisa .
2 By the late 1980s such excesses had been banished from the best classrooms ; the teachers in my Group all acknowledged the need for a sensible balance in the class-room between the formal and the informal .
3 I personally do not have time for delays in this operation , and my approach has been ratified at the highest levels .
4 With the release of ‘ The Rehearsal ’ his ultra-modest hopes have been realised in the finest possible style , because with the obvious exception of Jimmy MacCarthy 's debut there has n't been a solo endeavour to touch this one , here in recent times .
5 Individual replies have , of course , been treated in the strictest confidence , but some of the aggregated results of the survey are summarised below .
6 The blond Australian has been plagued by the worst possible luck over the years .
7 The reason for this may well be the fact that IT , like almost all innovations , has emerged and has been developed to the highest standard in countries with strong democratic forces which are able to counterbalance any propensity for excessive power concentration .
8 The results for specific questions are those actually obtained and have not been given to the nearest five per cent .
9 Obviously there are distances that could not have been jumped by the earliest animals with proto-wings .
10 Bowles was awarded a big cheque from a tabloid newspaper and if his own self-professed myths are a guideline it could have been squandered at the nearest bookies .
11 The new 160 bed hospital wing has been completed to the highest standards .
12 Americas Watch said that by 1986 overcrowding had been solved in the largest prison ( Tipitapa ) , and inmates had more facilities for work and recreation and for family visits .
13 More than 70 British beaches have been omitted from the latest edition of the Marine Conservation Society 's authoritative Good Beach Guide after new research suggests that waters previously considered safe may in fact be hazardous to health The research , carried out by the Departments of Health and Environment , reveals that previous UK standards were too lax .
14 From Elvis to The Stones to Iron Maiden parents have long been unnerved by the latest outrage on Top Of The Pops .
15 However , reliability checks have been included in the latest version of the program .
16 A snorkel and diving goggles have often been recommended for the deepest powder snow .
17 Precisely this eventuality had been considered at the highest level in the days just before the war ended .
18 The comfortable bedrooms have all been decorated to the highest standards , and all have a telephone and radio ; most also have a television and minibar , and some are air-conditioned .
19 The hall at the bottom of the stairs was a tiny square , a door on one side opened to what had been designed as the best parlour , but was now converted to a waiting-room for the surgery , which was a lean-to structure at the back .
20 Any sense of proportion these two buildings may have had has been ruined by the crudest crazy-paving kind of plasterwork .
21 So savour it while it is still new , because the developers have had the conservationists looking keenly over their shoulders during the building work , and everything has been done in the best possible taste .
22 It may seem odd to complain of an excess of refinement in a film that features talking anuses and rubber monsters shaped like bottoms , but it does all seem to have been done in the best possible taste .
23 The assurance that a motor caravan has been built to the latest international standards .
24 A BIRKENHEAD apprentice car technician has been named as the best third year trainee by the Shell-owned nation-wide motoring centre chain , Superdrive .
25 It seems that this change is based on advice received from the Royal Society of Chemistry , though it has not been applied in the latest issue of Chemistry in Britain , neither can I recollect having seen it mention any possibility of change .
26 It is not the first time that , for whatever reason , such a ‘ mistake ’ , if you can call it that , has been made with the best will in the world .
27 I understand that the move has been made for the best scientific reasons .
28 Among students of small-town plans , linear settlements of this type have been seen as the commonest and the earliest form from which more complex plans evolved .
29 The flat has also been equipped with the latest in hi-fi and TV : a 21-inch TV with NICAM stereo and remote control , and a Pioneer N-92T mini system comprising a CD player , radio , cassette deck , 60 W amplifier and speakers .
30 He attributed his lack of injury to having been measured with the highest body fat content during the winter testing !
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