Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The playground , which up to then had been filled with shrieks and the shouting of children at play , all at once became silent as the grave .
2 His eyes , which , moments earlier , had been filled with fear and horror , were now clear , almost calm .
3 The people behind the BBC soap opera Eldorado had been filled with fear and trepidation .
4 At one time , the space between the timbers would have been filled with mud and straw .
5 DSC Communications Corp , Dallas has seen off a shareholder suit brought against the company and some of its officers in 1991 over the problems some of the Baby Bells had with the software for the MegaHub Signal Transfer Point : the suit has been dismissed without prejudice and the motion to certify class action status for it has been declared moot .
6 If accountability had been enhanced , profligate councillors would have been dismissed from office and replaced by more prudent ones .
7 There was optimism at the beginning of February that the violence which had been waged in Azerbaijan and along its borders with Armenia with such ferocity in the previous month [ see pp. 37168-70 ] might be ended by peace talks between the leaders of the Azerbaijan Popular Front and Armenian Pan-National Front which began in Riga ( the Latvian capital ) on Feb. 1 .
8 At almost every level , attitudes to Karajan have been riddled with paradox and inconsistency .
9 The nature of the impact has a considerable effect on the pressure exerted on the cliff face and a number of different types have been examined by Russell and Macmillan ( 1952 ) .
10 Other prospects include Cligga Head , a greisenised granite on the north Cornwall coast which has been examined by adits and drilling , and Redmoor , where drilling has shown a large , low-grade sheeted vein swarm up to 80 m wide and several hundred metres long .
11 Contemporaries feared a repetition of 1918 , when post-war educational reform ( the Fisher Act ) had been stopped by depression and government limits on spending .
12 We have that many er applications I mean I 've just gone through A division and I 've got er a pile of cards literally an inch thick with people a made an initial inquiry or b they 've been furnished with questionnaires and not been returned , so I 'm sending those er right through the divisions
13 He joins a general strike by those who have been dispossessed on Urras and tells them : ‘ ( on Anarres ) we have nothing but our freedom .
14 Thus battle has been joined between RAI and the private channels for an audience which Italian advertisers regard as pre-eminently desirable .
15 Over the last 20 years Derek 's collection of rare breeds has been joined by bronze- and black-feathered birds .
16 A tide of crimson flowed into Isabel 's face when she hurriedly disentangled herself from fitzAlan and saw that Ralf had been joined by Sybil and Master Thomas , who had come to the inn door to wave them off .
17 Gathered loosely around him on the roadside verge , the two youngsters and the three truckers had been joined by Rocky and Larsen .
18 Willie Carson , Rock City 's rider , has a significant ride to start of the afternoon when he partners Nashwan 's half-brother , Mukddaam ( 1.30 ) , on his first racecourse appearance , which has been delayed by injury and hard ground .
19 To settle in America they were forced to sign documents stating that they had been persecuted in Russia and were seeking political asylum .
20 Display material and literature relevant to restraint of infants have been posted in hospitals and maternity units in the Region .
21 This basic fact of life has been recognized in teachings and in myths as intrinsic to the feminine psyche .
22 When Menelik founded Addis Ababa in 1889 the countryside had been forested with juniper and wild olive , but these had soon been cut down for firewood and building material , whereupon Menelik announced that he was going to move his capital for the third time .
23 The two-plus-four treaty had been ratified by Germany and the United States in October 1990 [ see p. 37762 ] , by the United Kingdom in November [ see p. 37867 ] and by France on Dec. 13 .
24 Saudi diplomats had been assassinated in Ankara and Bangkok in October 1988 and January 1989 respectively [ see pp. 36259 ; 36952 ] .
25 The family has been inundated with cards and donations from wellwishers since Richard Adams ' death .
26 But the amount of Aramaic literature which went into international circulation must have been limited in quantity and variety .
27 He said : ‘ I 've always been fascinated by stamps and used to collect them when I was younger .
28 He was also well versed about historic homes , in many of which he had stayed , an interest he shared with Roddy , who even as a boy had been fascinated by pictures and architecture .
29 People have always been fascinated by death and murder .
30 I have always been fascinated by fashion and fashion journalism .
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