Example sentences of "[been] [adj] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even if Crabb 's next-of-kin had been dissatisfied with the official explanation and had made such a fuss that the government was forced to hold some sort of inquiry the truth would still not have been told .
2 One I recognized , the local Baronessa , whose family has always been friendly with the occupying forces .
3 The organisation of this has only been possible with the close cooperation and support of District Managers , and their designated staff .
4 Because the choice of opting out is largely represented to parents , former pupils and the local community as a means of securing a better financial arrangement from the DES than has been possible with the local authority , it is sometimes argued that it is not ethos or education but funding which alone lies at the heart of the decision .
5 He had evidently been popular with the medical students and a certain section of the nurses .
6 All that has happened in tokamaks has been consistent with the 1970 view , formulated by Lev Artsimovich , that achieving the conditions required for thermonuclear ignition in tokamaks would be only a matter of time and of larger machines and the development of ways of heating the plasma .
7 Britain had been content with the intergovernmental structure of OEEC .
8 Feminists and other progressives have always been uncomfortable with the whole notion of morality , viewing it as an essentially conservative concept that has been used to bolster traditional modes of thinking and undermine efforts for change .
9 Outside the wall , except on the north side , where the river came to its foot , there appears to have been only a single ditch , some 6.5 m ( 21 ft ) wide and 2.5 m ( 8 ft ) deep , which had been truncated by the medieval ditch ; it is most likely to have been contemporary with the early rampart .
10 That figural designs began to occur in the west in any numbers ( i.e. not counting the very early example from Exeter : Bidwell 1979 ) in approximately the same period as a further development of figural design is apparent in the southeast , is an interesting possibility : this may also have been contemporary with the first appearance of fully centralised designs .
11 The French and Italians have always have always been besotted with the English country look ; for them it is not only the quintessence of weekend style , but also standard office kit for all but the stuffiest or circles .
12 Having been lucky with the only real audition I did which was for the RSC , I ca n't really complain about it .
13 For the authorities to have maintained their 1960s approach to the gilt-edge market would have been inconsistent with the other aspect of policy : flexibility of interest rates through greater competitiveness amongst banking and other financial intermediaries .
14 He had briefly been involved with the Logical Positivists of the Vienna Circle and developed a strong leaning toward the importance of systematic empirical observation as the cornerstone of the scientific method , and a corresponding dislike of abstracted theorising and metaphysical speculation .
15 Derek has been involved with the international side since the tragic death of Bobby McGregor , serving under two physios , Jim McGregor and the current occupant , John McVea .
16 Derek has been involved with the international side since the tragic death of Bobby McGregor , serving under two physios , Jim McGregor and the current occupant , John McVea .
17 You 've both followed international careers , acquiring a cosmopolitan patina , you 've both been involved with the same man …
18 Although he was opposed to any plan to assassinate Hitler , he had been involved with the German resistance movement for some years , treading a dangerous path that was eventually to lead to his downfall and death .
19 In 1385–6 Lewyn was superintending building works for the Crown at Berwick-on-Tweed , and about the same time may have been concerned with the great new donjon at Warkworth for the Earl of Northumberland .
20 ( d ) Other reliefs The above has been concerned with the only or main residence or the husband 's interest therein being transferred absolutely to the wife .
21 Traditionally , governmental audit has been concerned with the financial and regularity audit .
22 So far , even though we have kept an eye on the question of political authority , the discussion has been concerned with the wider notion of authority in general .
23 We have mainly been concerned with the modern ‘ computational ’ version of the representational theory of mind ; but , as I shall mention again later , the more traditional views of mental life are no less representational — phenomenology , for example , is a representational theory of mind .
24 A great deal of the discussion of such topic markers has been concerned with the sentence-internal organization of information as given ( or the topic ) vs. new ( or comment about the topic — see Gundel , 1977 for a review ) .
25 We have been concerned with the authoritative imposition of duties .
26 Since the Town and Country Planning Act of 1947 the granting of planning permission for rural housing has arguably been concerned with the visual quality of the countryside rather than with alleviating problems of housing need .
27 It is worth pointing out that this distinction is also a male/female one ; whereas most important political actions that have really affected people 's lives have been taken by men , it is women , historically excluded from decision-making , who have been concerned with the subjective and the personal .
28 This chapter has been concerned with the central machinery for making and executing the decisions of the Crown .
29 In this chapter we have been concerned with the sharp end of the political process — with the institutions on which rests the job of maintaining order and of enforcing the decisions of the political process , however reached , on any citizens or foreign persons who do not voluntarily accept them .
30 So far we have been concerned with the expected actions of teachers in the classroom .
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