Example sentences of "[been] [prep] his [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He has been one of the driving forces behind Musselburgh 's revival and had it not been for his stout efforts earlier in the season , the Stoneyhill club would never have been in the promotion challenge .
2 Cameron would have faced a High Court sentence had it not been for his good record , the sheriff added .
3 Brian had given Scarlet the impression that , if it had not been for his first wife and her child , and his second wife and her child , he would have been living a life of carefree splendour in a house adjacent to the park .
4 ‘ No , ’ she mumbled , sagging suddenly , so that if it had n't have been for his firm grip she probably would have sunk to the ground , ‘ I did n't think .
5 Adam would have faced almost certain death if it had n't been for his quick thinking .
6 If it had n't been for his diligent research and dogged answer seeking , I would n't be leaving for America two hours from now in the hope of a cure .
7 The year belonged to Keke Rosberg at Williams — though Ferrari 's Didier Pironi might well have won the championship had it not been for his grave accident in the rain at Hockenheim .
8 This tally could possibly have been a lot more had it not been for his unreliable behaviour in the show ring .
9 Kersey would have written him off as harmless had it not been for his extreme wariness .
10 He had expected that any change in his routine would have been of his own making , not hers .
11 He had never been a party-goer and it had been against his better judgement that they agreed to join Ibn Fayoud 's party .
12 She knew it had been against his better judgement ; that all his own instincts had told him to wait , to take it more slowly .
13 Danny had mercifully been persuaded to leave his ghetto-blaster behind , but this had been against his better judgement , and Rachel soon realised his silence was in fact a form of sulking .
14 Taking all these things together , I think they give ground for the suspicion expressed by Mr. Henderson and other Labour ministers that Mr. MacDonald had deliberately planned the scheme of a National government ; which would at the same time enable him to retain the position of Prime Minister and to associate with colleagues with whom he was more in sympathy than he had ever been with his Labour colleagues
15 His jotting pad was covered with hot-air balloons , intricately patterned and decorated ; part of his mind had obviously been with his private passion .
16 The outcome showed both how near and how far Bohr had been with his improvising stab at reality .
17 The Liverpool manager should have been with his goal-starved squad when they flew to Cyprus for an important cup match tonight .
18 Those who have worked with him during the time that he has been in his present post have come to admire the hard work , courage and assiduity with which he has pursued the object of bringing the parties within the island of Ireland to sit down with the British Government and resolve their differences .
19 The Membership List revealed he 'd been in his present parish for six years , was unmarried , had written a book , The Railways of Norfolk , 1890 to 1940 , published by Jarrolds , and was , in addition to being Vicar of St Clements Bestwick , chaplain to the Sisters of St Sylvester , East Soken , near Diss .
20 He had waited for her in the forests that fringed Tara , his mind filled with light and hope , his body more fiercely aware than ever it had been in his entire life .
21 But she had been in his strong arms before , and as agitation at her own weakness assailed her , so , while she still could , she fought to be free .
22 Although he had only been in his new job for a few days before the murder , Dave Pushell had already tried to imprint his personality on the office .
23 John Wildig is a research agriculturalist and a life-long railway enthusiast who would have been in his late teens during the period of the Beeching closures .
24 John Wildig is a research agriculturalist and a life-long railway enthusiast who would have been in his late teens during the period of the Beeching closures .
25 ‘ We are interested but that 's as far as it has gone because Alex Ferguson has shown no desire to let him go , and that 's despite the fact that Neil has not been in his first team .
26 Carolyn , who had been in his English class for years , had always been quite insignificant .
27 If his father had lived he would now have been in his sixtieth year .
28 Howard is relieved and pleased that his younger self could pass such a test ; to have been in his own company for fifteen minutes or more , and to have been so opaque and convincing that he 'd seemed to be like anyone else .
29 However , his appearance had been that of an eighteen-year-old , which makes nonsense for a second time of the press claims that Lord Haw-Haw was as puny in appearance as he had been in his human sympathies .
30 I am not sure what Harold Brodkey may have been in his last incarnation , but he has now reached that most enviable of all earthly states , that of the American cult writer .
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