Example sentences of "[been] [prep] [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have n't been drinking , Harvey , ’ she said patiently , as if this was a dialogue they had been through many times before .
2 yeah , erm yeah it was different erm with it only being role play it was a bit erm difficult to keep up with it sometimes and actually keep it going like , erm if it was the real life situation outside right you 'd know that the person you were talking to had more had been through that situation before
3 She 's been through that process once , and it seems that she 'll stay immune to further absorption .
4 Having been through that process once , the Social Security Committee is clearly interested in other areas .
5 We 've been through three names already .
6 Both Father and Mother had been through difficult times financially in their twenties but Father had founded a fine family business in London which flourished and while both of them were wise and sensible about money there was never any lack of it and funds were available for anything that would widen our horizons and education .
7 Anybody been through this experience before ?
8 And the unions had also been through this scene recently .
9 erm The response has been for that authority then to groin its bit of beach , and so we end up with a situation today where along the Sussex coast practically the whole of the coast is groined , except for the areas which are backed by high cliffs , erm where we have the sorts of rates of erosion that I mentioned .
10 But she brought them because it salved her conscience to bring something , and she had not been for two weeks now .
11 " Scores of men are in a worse plight than they have been for thirty-seven years past " , admitted Harry Orbell , " The pawnshops are glutted .
12 The census has been for many years now an important instrument , among a range of such instruments , in the administration of the welfare state .
13 It was her idea to come here each summer , but she has n't been for three years now .
14 At this moment the King , who had been for some time busily writing in his notebook , called out , ‘ Silence ! ’ and read out from his book , ‘ Rule Forty-Two .
15 My children do go to school and have been for some months now .
16 My children do go to school and have been for some months now .
17 Yes my children do go to school and have been for some months now .
18 Yes my children do go to school oh I was going to say , have been for some months now .
19 Though he survived and prospered , there have been times this season when the chances of Mr Stringer lasting as Norwich manager until FA Cup semi-final day seemed remote .
20 Over recent years , the parish has been of great interest archaeologically and excavations have revealed signs of occupation from neolithic man to the Middle Ages .
21 At present any member of the public can consult it all day long , all year round , and there is no doubt that it has been of invaluable help not only to scholars but also to the art trade .
22 The universe had , after all , been of unimaginable size before .
23 This ambiguity — not yet fully dispelled — has been of immense importance both to the international community and to Japan herself .
24 Before , it has been with blind faith only .
25 At one year old he was the ideal age for breeding and although he 'd never been with another bird before , his first mate produced eggs within two months .
26 Leeds have been up three days ago .
27 For it must be remembered that Divitiacus does not seem to have been in perfect command either of Greek or of Latin .
28 DISCOUNTING the scowl that greeted the outcome of his declaration at Ilford , Mike Gatting has been in better humour lately than at any time in my experience .
29 Irvin and Martin 's assessment techniques have been in great demand abroad , even as the British science establishment closes ranks against it .
30 After victories on Saturday over Cotswold and Victoria ( Street ) , the Ely team of Stewart Seymour , Kevin King , David Bell and Greg Harlow had a quarter-final success yesterday against Victory ( Portsmouth ) and were always in control in their semi-final against Moonfleet Weymouth , who had been in sharp form earlier against Torbay , Preston ( Brighton ) and County Arts Norwich .
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