Example sentences of "for grant that " in BNC.

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1 However , with fewer breaks pilots tend to take it for granted that they will not get a cable break , and this makes them more vulnerable when one does occur .
2 The practice of ‘ practical criticism ’ in fact unconsciously takes it for granted that the readers already know enough about poetry to have a grasp of rules and conventions sufficient to make adequate sense of the passage .
3 Among serious writers and readers in the United States ( as distinct from shallow and modish Anglophiles mostly around New York ) , it is taken for granted that Pound 's caustic dismissal of us in 1929 was justified , and that nothing has happened in the forty-five years since to alter that picture significantly .
4 He explained that on the Continent it is taken for granted that fish caught on a line by small boats should command a premium for the careful handling that preserves both flavour and texture .
5 Everyone took it for granted that it must be Oxford or Cambridge .
6 They took it for granted that this was Ramsey .
7 She took it for granted that they talked about ‘ the handover ’ .
8 They took it for granted that the international world was one of competing powers and that their duty was to make the most of whatever assets were available to them .
9 It can be taken for granted that Australia will be one side contesting the 1992 World Cup final and that Great Britain or New Zealand will be the other .
10 It is increasingly taken for granted that any post-war reordering of the Middle East will include a fresh bid to break the Arab-Israeli impasse .
11 Economists have taken it for granted that to get round it , creditors will in practice need to get most of the benefit from debt relief .
12 But the difficulty with this discussion is that it lacks a firm point of reference because it can not be taken for granted that there should be two levels of offence , rape and procuring sex by threats .
13 The church found it hard to enforce chastity within marriage when a pagan man took it for granted that he had the right to sleep with his slavegirls .
14 Almost all philosophically minded people of Clement 's age , except for only a tiny handful of Epicureans , took it for granted that the order of the world reflects a designing providential hand .
15 The story reveals how , just as it was taken for granted that God 's authority should prevail throughout all life , so the use of Roman coins symbolised how much the Roman emperor 's authority prevailed throughout the Roman empire .
16 Do n't take it for granted that they 'll be OK .
17 I found that Mrs Knelle regarded the Ascendancy as comic dodos , and took for granted that they were all opposed to Home Rule .
18 In ecology the Germans take it for granted that they are more ecology-minded than anyone else , and that they have a special sensitivity for this too .
19 It is as if Hahnemann takes it for granted that we all understand the importance of quantity , as well as potency , when administering a remedy , but this seems almost a revolutionary concept to us as we rarely consider this factor when using both low and high potency centesimal remedies .
20 He had taken it for granted that his verbose and glib explanation of the facts would convince the jury of his innocence .
21 Yet others may deplore British nationalism while taking it for granted that there is some homogeneous group called the British , thus conceding the basic premise for a British nationalism .
22 It is taken for granted that they bring with them their housekeeping skills .
23 We should never take for granted that we will find our happiness in God alone , as though it was ours by right to have .
24 Before the war grammar schools were distinguished by their academic curriculum , by the existence of sixth forms , from which there could be progress to university , and by the academic qualifications of the teachers ; and so , after 1944 , it was taken for granted that the grammar school ideal must be preserved in its familiar form .
25 Until recently , they took it for granted that their supplies from domestic sources could be obtained on credit and that , when these bills matured , any shortage of funds would be made good by the banks .
26 It was taken for granted that where the ‘ bucks ’ predominated , the stick was the first resort , and the law an afterthought .
27 ‘ I used to see and feel things in the house , but being a child I just took it for granted that everybody else was seeing and feeling the same things .
28 Buying each other drinks in this village was so natural and taken for granted that words of thanks were rarely uttered .
29 The scientists could not even take for granted that human factors were causing the bay to deteriorate ; cryptic changes in the natural world could , for all that was known , have been responsible .
30 People who do n't put on weight take it for granted that the rest of us are greedy and lacking in will power .
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