Example sentences of "for over thirty " in BNC.

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1 It has n't shown a movie for over thirty years , but the pink seashell murals , the stage , and the ‘ white ’ and ‘ coloured ’ balconies are still intact : fossils of another culture .
2 Influential in child psychiatry for over thirty years , Kahn moved into that field from the excellent springboard of general practice .
3 It would have been frozen for over thirty years .
4 There was the cold empty space in the bed beside her , the space where for over thirty years there had been a warm , reassuring presence .
5 This was the man who became President of the National Deaf Club in 1909 and held the position for over thirty years .
6 Tamar occupied the seat where , for over thirty years , Stephen 's mother had sat .
7 The company has been making tuning devices for over thirty years and the R450 is the latest in their product line .
8 There was some good news , too : the harvest had been the best for over thirty years , and after much anxious waiting there was a victory to celebrate from the war front — Nelson had trounced the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile .
9 Was this the point at which to say that I had been a professional actress for over thirty years and was well aware of the mechanics etc ?
10 Ted , who has lived for over thirty years in Yorkshire , will guide you to a different beauty spot every day .
11 The main source of his harassment was that , instead of the simple and dedicated obedience which he had paid to his monastic vows for over thirty years , he now had a confusion of claims on his attention .
12 For over thirty years I have been teaching in the public schools of New York City .
13 For over thirty years , along with my fellow teachers , I have been going to educational conferences , and training sessions , and workshops , to hear countless leaders in education talk , as you do , about the dignity of the child , and the importance of individual differences , and of fostering positive self-concepts , and building on the interests of the child , and letting the child learn from curiosity rather than fear .
14 He was sixty years old and had been the parish priest for over thirty years .
15 He had lit and extinguished the lamps of Bermondsey for over thirty years , and now , she confided to her friends in vexation , he was going to be under her feet .
16 Leonie von Wilckens has been working in this area for over thirty years from her base at the German National Museum in Nuremberg , home of a major textile collection .
17 George Braque has not been the subject of a major exhibition in Switzerland for over thirty years but Jean-Louis Prat , director of the Fondation Pierre Gianadda , is remedying the situation .
18 It was just as I had remembered it for over thirty years , it was just as it used to appear at least once a week at lunch in the Paris household where I spent two years of my youth with a greedy Norman family : two years of study interspersed with the most trying of family meals , endless and infinitely to be dreaded but for the blessed beauty of the food .
19 The essential feature of the life which Eliot had constructed for himself is that it contained as few surprises as possible : it has been said that , for over thirty years , he patronized the same tailor , the same tobacconist and the same wine merchant .
20 Whether the Company did help is not known , and for over thirty years Hoyle went on in his own way .
21 The first moves in this respect began during Allan Hayhurst 's stewardship and were primarily the responsibility of Alan Wilson , who for over thirty years served the BDA with devotion and exceptional skills until illness caused his retirement and death in 1985 .
22 They 'd been in the cafe for over thirty minutes now , with only the sound of a fruit machine and the loud chattering of a group of youngsters in their late teens for company .
23 ‘ No , but her mother and father lived in the same house and never spoke to each other for over thirty years . ’
24 He was chairman of the finance committee of the royal jubilee exhibition in Manchester in 1887 , a JP for the city of Manchester and the county of Lancashire for over thirty years , and with his wife ( the daughter of William Crippin of Manchester ) devoted much time to philanthropic and charitable undertakings .
25 His book Practical Photo-Micrography ( 1911 ) remained the standard English textbook on the subject for over thirty years .
26 And as I said , Mrs Mary she 's the national treasurer and has been for over thirty years .
27 Natural language corpora have been available in computerised form for over thirty years .
28 Each now is responsible for over thirty four thousand workers .
29 He was condemned by an image which had haunted him for over thirty years : a poor defenceless body Iying curled up in a vast flat dismal landscape , a father abandoned to his lonely fate .
30 Veterans had gathered to celebrate the reopening of the base control tower which had stood derelict for over thirty years .
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