Example sentences of "for these purposes " in BNC.

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1 But as the judge quashed the indictment , the men were re-arrested in the dock and four other charges were brought : recruiting persons for training in sabotage and guerrilla warfare for the purpose of violent revolution , conspiring to aid foreign military units when they invaded the republic , furthering the aims of communism and soliciting and receiving funds for these purposes from several countries .
2 For these purposes teachers will need to keep samples of children 's writing in order to monitor its range and development over the course of a key stage ; and they will need systematic means of recording and appraising the ways in which pupils approach writing tasks , including talking about what they are doing and why .
3 The colleges , then as now , were arranged in groups for these purposes .
4 Many Newcomen and Watt engines were installed in Cornish mines , and Trevithick ( q.v. ) developed engines for these purposes .
5 For these purposes he could use one of three methods .
6 Fines of up to 1,000,000 ecu ( £650,000 ) or 10 per cent of an undertaking 's turnover , whichever is the greater ( for these purposes , however , where an undertaking is part of a group , ‘ turnover ’ relates to the group 's turnover ) .
7 Some 60 per cent of education journeys and 43 per cent of shopping and personal business trips are made on foot , with one fifth and one third of all walk Journeys respectively being made for these purposes .
8 Colleges serve as a integrating force for these purposes to the rest of the sector and also express the Roman Catholic Church 's commitment to a presence in Higher Education .
9 ‘ How well this social organization serves the purposes of those who seek to impose it depends in the last resort upon the conceptions in the minds of the men and women they recruit for these purposes .
10 When it is not being used for these purposes it is available for use by other organisations .
11 The carriage of goods for a subsidiary or for a holding company and for other companies which are subsidiaries of the same holding company is generally regarded as own account for these purposes .
12 Some people find meditation and yoga useful for these purposes .
13 For these purposes the simulator must be available before the main control room is constructed .
14 No one loses their right to tax relief on borrowings up to £30,000 for these purposes .
15 Their categories of structure and événement ( though not designed for these purposes , and thus serving them only crudely ) , allow a place for both holist and individualist explanations without requiring that they should always fit neatly together .
16 Control Data has already received $300,000 from the Federal budget for these purposes .
17 The other staff member co-ordinated the feedback , making it plain that , for these purposes , the repetition of points could be taken as evidence of the strength of shared experience rather than a lack of incisiveness on the part of the spokespersons .
18 For these purposes they would also tend to wear the most heavily reinforced boots and might occasionally carry weapons of some kind .
19 Force , which had long been used to conquer territory and to gain markets and raw materials , could no longer be used for these purposes .
20 For these purposes , a ‘ place of business ’ means some fixed place at which , for some period of time , some part of the company 's business has been carried out .
21 Moreover , the choice of filter set is not at all fixed ( e.g. what proportion of the core vocabulary is an adequate representation of the domain for these purposes ? )
22 Instructions for these purposes were given through correspondent banks in London and Singapore .
23 ( 2 ) Before giving the prisoner the opportunity to make such representations , the Secretary of State is required to inform him of the period recommended by the judiciary as the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence , and of any other opinion expressed by the judiciary which is relevant to the Secretary of State 's decision as to the appropriate period to be served for these purposes .
24 Wilson , now also designated as general secretary , was instructed to take premises in Prospect Row , Sunderland , for a reading room , smoke room and office and have the necessary work done to make them usable for these purposes .
25 If you look at the range now available , they suggest that we could use video for these purposes :
26 It is remarkable that mental qualities that were selected for these purposes should have stood us in such good stead in the very different circumstances of the present day .
27 For these purposes sea ice is a useful extension of land .
28 How is the line between law and fact to be drawn for these purposes ?
29 A procession of ‘ hippies ’ proceeding from one town to the next would not constitute a ‘ procession ’ for these purposes .
30 One element common to all forms of the offence is that the forbidden conduct must take place when the policeman is acting ‘ in the execution of his duty , ’ which raises the questions ; what duties are imposed upon a policeman , and how do they come to be imposed for these purposes ?
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