Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 This movement has been most clearly indicated by regular sea-watches , which have recorded small easterly movements between the late March and early May , and a westerly movement between October and December .
2 Their work can be seen as a range of attempts to deal with a shared set of problems which have perhaps been most clearly formulated by the greatest among them — by Bloch and Febvre ( the founders of the journal ) in the first generation , by Braudel in the second , and more recently by Le Roy Ladurie .
3 ‘ These two submissions have been most impressively argued by Mr. Lloyd for the local health authority .
4 Letters to ministers have been most frequently used by Sub-Committee E , to draw to the Government 's attention their views of the correct legal base for a Commission proposal .
5 Evidence for an association between unemployment and imprisonment has , however , been presented in , various studies from different countries ( Braithwaite 1980 ; Inverarity and Grattet 1987 ; Inverarity and McCarthy 1988 ; Montgomery 1985 ; Laffargue and Godefroy 1987 ) and has been most strongly supported by time series data analysed using some variant of least squares regression .
6 The case for loans has been most strongly argued by a group at the London School of Economics whose main criticism of an entirely grant-based approach is that it favours better-off families , and as it is currently operated it leaves many students in poverty .
7 The next set of materials , house forms , has been most fully studied by Glassie in an analysis of eighteenth-century extant folk housing in Middle Virginia .
8 Barthes 's caveats against recuperation have been most convincingly demonstrated by Stephen Heath ( 1972 ) who is critical of the tendency towards naturalization : the radical experience of the nouveau roman is undermined when the novels are subjected to reductive readings of the psychologizing variety enacted by Morrissette , however much these may be encouraged by the novelists themselves .
9 Historically the computational approach has been most actively pursued by engineers eager to build machines that can do the same things as humans .
10 They have been most recently espoused by the hon. Member for Clackmannan , who is not even a member of the shadow Cabinet .
11 In the case of Japan , however , enterprise bargaining seems as yet to have been rather less affected by centralising forces ( although , since 1973 , there has been some de facto industry-wide bargaining in the major metal industries ) .
12 Coleman seems to have been rather silently supported by Sewell as assistant professor .
13 For candidates with a more generalist knowledge , the market has remained very depressed in London and the South East , while the North has been less badly hit by the recession .
14 His decisive , no-nonsense manner had given him the reputation of being a good doctor , and this had been only slightly dented by one or two spectacularly wrong diagnoses .
15 It was thus able to draw on the large reservoir of latent discontent among Liberals and the intellectuals which had been only slightly touched by the problem of unemployment and which was completely cut off from the syndicalist traditions of working class militancy in the previous decade .
16 For example , the introduction of mechanized milking parlours has reduced milking to a process akin to assembly-line production ; on the other hand the life of a shepherd has been only marginally touched by technological change .
17 Well , time moves on and Maxwell rose from the ashes of this setback , but it is remarkable that the telling verdict of the DTI inquiry should have been so utterly dismissed by the risk-assessors of so many banks .
18 When this cloud settles on the skin it causes a red rash , but it is no more than an irritation and certainly nothing to justify the terrible image of this animal that has been so relentlessly fostered by cheap novels and films .
19 She 'd only been angry because she 'd been so unaccountably shaken by those few seconds in his arms .
20 Havelock Wilson who had , of course , been among those leaders to whom Larkin 's vituperation had been particularly directed , reserved his regrets for the oppressed people of Ireland whose cause had been so ill served by the " blunders and follies " of Larkin who " had such a splendid case , but made such a sorry mess of it , doing everything he ought not to have done and nothing that he ought to " and bringing , by his defeat , comfort to the Irish employers who had nothing good to be said for them at all .
21 From the previous year he had been so badly affected by osteoarthritis that his mobility had become very restricted .
22 JOHN UPSON 'S horses have been so badly hit by a throat infection that only six out of his 30-strong string are fit to run .
23 Prospective Labour MP for the town Alan Milburn said : ‘ Hundreds of people have been forced into dire straits because the town has been so badly hit by the Government inspired economic slump ’
24 Brought in early last year , Max had been so badly kicked by a sadistic owner that most of his bodily organs were in the wrong places .
25 And now she was frightened of him — Dr Neil , who was so kind and good , and had already been so badly damaged by life …
26 It is hardly surprising that the Indonesians have been so profoundly affected by their kinetic environment , for theirs is the most tectonic nation on earth , boasting some 34 per cent of all the world 's active volcanoes , and registering an average of three earthquakes a day measuring over 5 on the Richter scale .
27 The Contagious Diseases Act which had been so bitterly opposed by feminists like Butler , had extended well beyond sanitary supervision of common prostitutes .
28 This is perhaps symptomatic of the fact that the principle of equal opportunities between the sexes has been so heavily promoted by educationists , in addition to being supported by the DES and politicians , that the law has been viewed as having a very much secondary purpose in this area .
29 He was still walking within the rhythmic pulse of an old dream , a vision that had been so wantonly interrupted by the person from Porlock .
30 There had not been such severe storms in southern England for hundreds of years , and the structure of woodlands had not been so regularly modified by gales as in the more stormy north of Britain .
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