Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [adj] with the " in BNC.

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1 And until now she 'd been naïvely pleased with the result .
2 He had not been altogether honest with the parents regarding the ‘ job situation ’ and considered it prudent to steal silently away to his room , rather than construct explanations for his early return from ‘ work ’ .
3 He had been most concerned with the inequality of provision between rural and urban areas which made tests of attainment a massive handicap for rural or impoverished urban children .
4 Illegitimate children were by no means unusual in those days and Darrel would have been rather pleased with the embarrassment caused either of his old antagonists .
5 As an exercise in pornography , Zhukov had been rather pleased with the original pose .
6 It is from this perspective that it becomes possible to understand the basis of the distrust of totalizing systems of knowledge which depend upon theory and concepts , so characteristic of Foucault or Lyotard , both of whom have been predominantly concerned with the attempt to isolate and foreground singularity as opposed to universality .
7 She had been less fortunate with the driver , who was not at all sure of the route to the Hook and had to rely on friendly passers-by to give directions .
8 His return to Scotland late in 1555 was reluctant , and seems to have been less concerned with the Protestant cause than a personal one ; in Edinburgh he could be reunited with Elizabeth Bowes and her daughter Marjory , whom he had met while a preacher at Berwick , and marry Marjory .
9 The Metropolitan Borough of Wigan has been sufficiently impressed with the results so far to finance the printing of enough copies for the first year pupils of three comprehensive schools beginning in September 1985 .
10 If physics is to be taken as the acme of scientific knowledge , then it would make sense to try to emulate the methods that physics uses to gain its knowledge , and where else could one go for this by way of a shortcut but to philosophy , the discipline that has been endlessly preoccupied with the foundations of human knowledge .
11 In addition , independent research shows that tenants in those areas where transfers to housing associations have taken place have been extremely satisfied with the service that they get and the improved repairs .
12 Major promised to introduce a " classless society " and announced a review of the community charge ( poll tax ) , which had been extremely unpopular with the electorate .
13 In Spain , conditions have been extremely difficult with the beer market in significant decline due to economic circumstances ; as a result volumes overall were lower than the previous year .
14 The regime had been entirely obsessed with the immediate issues of survival and had on occasions mistaken the exigencies of the present for long-term principle .
15 And it would have been entirely possible with the right companion .
16 ‘ … in general , the pressures on the Labour Party from the institutional environment towards the increasing bureaucratisation and centralisation of decision-making , the employment of and dependence on , specialists and the emphasis on professional administration , have been entirely consistent with the basic orientation of party activists in the middle class areas ’ ( Hindess , 1971 , p. 140 ) .
17 This approach has been highly successful with the thalassaemias , a group of disorders which bear many similarities to sickle cell disease .
18 According to the Arable Research Centres ' Justin Smith , some growers in Bedfordshire have been so disappointed with the insect pollinators ' efforts that they have ploughed up their crops to put in linseed or leave fields fallow .
19 I 'd been so preoccupied with the physical results of my condition for the last hour that I 'd forgotten its other effects .
20 One planning officer commented that ‘ probably no planning circular and all that it implies has ever been so popular with the public .
21 I just wish that Sam had n't been so generous with the wine , though .
22 Alternatively , it may appear too acrobatic or athletic because the choreographer has been so concerned with the turning of the pages of a picture book that there is no explanation why one picture follows another and leads to another and yet another until the curtain falls .
23 They had been so lucky with the weather ; a clear sky , and a soft breeze that kept everyone comfortable .
24 He had not been so happy with the farmland which went with the Fish ; his town talents ( he was from Cockermouth , about ten miles away ) had given him neither the patience nor the experience for such niggling country work and — as he was a man who took advice badly — his neighbours had soon left him alone to rot alone .
25 They have been especially concerned with the transformation of irregular pre-industrial work rhythms into the more ordered day of modern industrial society .
26 It is perhaps partly for this reason that these models have been largely concerned with the short term economic outlook ie over a horizon of up to three years .
27 This thinking has apparently not been overly concerned with the argument that from that point on it would be not so much what went on in Britain as what happened in Germany which would count most ( a phenomenon clearly illustrated by the chart in Appendix 2 ) .
28 Perhaps physical geography has been overtly concerned with the parallel to the first law rather than proceeding to the equivalent of the other three !
29 Dr Nathaniel Micklem , who himself had been deeply involved with the Christian opposition in Germany , accepted him for training at Mansfield College , Oxford , for the ministry .
30 Dr Nathaniel Micklem , who himself had been deeply involved with the Christian opposition in Germany , accepted him for training at Mansfield College , Oxford , for the ministry .
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