Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [adj] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since then , the mill ( which is not open to the public ) has been visited by a large number of interested bodies , all of whom must have been greatly impressed with this tale of hard work , expense and perseverence .
2 Development activity in Europe has been less successful with fewer disc start-ups taking place .
3 The DIY business has been fiercely competitive with Do-It-All , B&Q and Texas all battling for supremacy through price cuts and heavy advertising .
4 She 'd been so preoccupied with first the tragedy , and then her concern for the twins ' welfare , that she had n't given any thought to the future .
5 The bull has been so popular with commercial producers that over 900,000 doses of semen have been sold so far , and there are already more than 30,000 milking daughters in the US alone .
6 His public activity in industry affairs has been especially concerned with international publishing and copyright matters .
7 BILL CLINTON has been painfully slow with most appointments , but he has moved faster than George Bush did in 1989 to find a chairman for the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) .
8 For the truth was she had , in fact , been deeply satisfied with that second , much sweated over batch of sketches .
9 Many geographers have never been deeply concerned with ultimate objectives of social character , and some would sincerely regard efforts to provide directives for human action as presumptuous and arrogant .
10 But there were other motives , of fashion and adventure and the hope of promotion , which are likely to have been more powerful with many recruits .
11 Dana claimed that he expanded his diary into the narrative Two Years Before the Mast ( the significant subtitle is ‘ An authentic narrative of a sailor 's Life at Sea ’ ) in order to represent the seaman 's view ignored in other sea-stories , but as a young undergraduate , sent to sea for his health , he presented a life of hardship and monotony from an educated point of view and seems in any case to have been more concerned with exact recording of weather , cargoes and seaman 's techniques than with personal behaviour and attitudes .
12 ‘ They spent all last winter getting the horse to switch off and he has been more relaxed with each race this season . ’
13 We have been always frank with each other , and I know that you will find my criticism exhilarating .
14 Afterwards he admitted that he had been favourably impressed with Old Savill 's , except that the women were too grandly dressed .
15 Another said , ‘ I have been thoroughly happy with this diet , though I must admit I do enjoy bread , fruit and salads in the normal way of things .
16 Far-fetched as the notion of a forge in the yard of every sizeable farm must seem , it would in principle have been perfectly consistent with fragmented and seasonal production .
17 And Beveridge would have been perfectly happy with that question .
18 I have covered the whole year , but because January is in your shops , February already subscribed , March imminent and April only recently covered in my monthly column ( 11th December ) , I have not been as detailed with these four months as I have with the rest of the year .
19 Everybody says , ‘ Oh , you won £44,000 in the world championships , you must 've been really pleased with that , ’ but it 's not just the money , it 's being able to pick up the trophy at the end — that 's the nice thing .
20 ‘ We have been fairly firm with those who see it as a stick to beat the FPA or Dundee with — that is not our intention . ’
21 But after the initial blisters and a bit of breaking in , I 've been fairly impressed with these boots .
22 Ethology has always been profoundly concerned with evolutionary development , with phylogeny .
23 Robson Rhodes has been equally uncompromising with some of its former clients .
24 At the heart of the conflict , the Palestinian people have been particularly familiar with political weakness .
25 Neither have women 's organisations been particularly concerned with occupational schemes of family allowances .
26 he 's retired , but he 's , he 's been quite busy with this Festival , but I , I said to him , now what I 'll do is maybe come and you and him and Jane maybe kind of will just sort of have a quick confab sometime just talk about what he wants , and he will be kind of happy to do that with obviously we 'd have to find a drop of money to pay for the tapes , I mean that would n't be huge and expensive .
27 ‘ I 'd have been quite happy with that . ’
28 Traditionally , management-staff relations in local government have been relatively harmonious with few serious disputes .
29 Earlier statisticians had based population predictions on arithmetical averages , derived from bills of mortality and other statistical tables , and had been primarily concerned with legal and moral intervention into the family .
30 John Mark was not an apostle , yet he seems to have been closely involved with three of the principal characters of the early Church :
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