Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [adj] for [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 On one occasion , when playing to a group of Durham University students , I told them that I had been personally responsible for Nelson Mandela 's release , and a tuxedo-clad toff suggested I should n't have bothered .
2 In Troeltsch , the focusing of attention on ‘ religion ’ which had been so central for Schleiermacher and Liberal Theology is thus intensified to the point where its separation off from Christian theology becomes inevitable .
3 Life has n't always been so dull for Elaine : she has managed , in the past , to survive the same upheavals as many able-bodied people .
4 The reason she 'd been so reluctant for Alexander Vass to leave had had nothing to do with the man himself .
5 Would it have been more honourable for Prothero to let Pound go on submitting , when there was no hope of his being accepted ?
6 The Marquis may have had a diggicult year but the last few months though have been more difficult for Becky Blandford .
7 Such a match , compared to that with the dauphin , would have been distinctly disparaging for Mary .
8 The Allies ( certainly the British ) would have been perfectly happy for de Gaulle to claim a generalized legitimacy on the grounds that he represented the true interests of France .
9 Last night 's lovemaking had changed everything for Sarella herself ; she had never guessed it could be like that , and she could n't imagine that it might not have been as earth-shattering for Marc too .
10 Woolwich would have expected any refusal of payment to lead to collection proceedings which would have been gravely embarrassing for Woolwich , the more so as it would have been the only building society refusing to pay .
11 Woolwich would have expected any refusal of payment to lead to collection proceedings which would have been gravely embarrassing for Woolwich , the more so as it would have been the only building society refusing to pay .
12 The display we 've seen over the last night would have been quite average for Scotland and Northern Ireland but this far south in Oxford it was quite spectacular .
13 No I 've been quite bad for Thursday or Friday
14 No I 've been quite bad for Thursday or Friday
15 Modugno said it would have been almost impossible for Mansell to see the flag while following closely behind the McLaren-Honda of Ayrton Senna .
16 That 4th place must still have been very satisfying for Robin Williams who has now completed his transition from international slalom C2 paddler to international marathon K2 .
17 The CER had been very successful for New Zealand , which since 1983 had been able to increase by 170 per cent its exports of mainly agricultural products to the relatively large Australian market , as well as to correct a large bilateral trade deficit .
18 It must have been very galling for Major , when he established membership of the A-Team to write the election manifesto , that he had to choose for it those very men who are most likely to profit from his failure .
19 It would have been very painful for Muldoon to have to pass on the bad news , so he decided to leave for the States and let the Detroit executive personnel Director handle Mark 's affairs .
20 Having a slaughterhouse for his pigs next-door may have been very convenient for Charles , but it was a luxury he was soon to lose : The Frome Turnpike Trustees had decided to drag Frome into the modern world by demolishing Rossiter 's buildings as part of a scheme to widen the road and ease the notorious bottleneck north of the bridge .
21 The prestige of Oswiu 's family , or else its capacity for intimidation , must have been very considerable for Aldfrith to return and rule in what seems to have been domestic peace .
22 Walking down the aisle would have been too tame for Timothy , a carnival gaming agent from Florida , and Nony Tedjakasume , a computer analyst from Jakarta , Indonesia .
23 It had officially been called the York Minster , or similar , but that had been too passé for Soho 's artist colony .
24 The lure had been too compelling for Heather to resist and he had the photographs to prove it .
25 I mean it may have been that simple for Mr. Daytimer , who was a lawyer , erm , but I do n't think it 's , it 's , it certainly is n't that simple for me , and I , not for anybody else I know .
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