Example sentences of "[been] [art] [noun sg] and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The shop bell had tinkled frequently for the past hour , most of the customers having been the ha'penny and penny ones , some of whom were now standing outside at the shop window oohing and aahing at the Christmas goodies displayed there , all entwined with coloured streamers and illuminated by the two gas lamps attached to the side wall of the shop and plopping inside their pretty pink glass globes , while casting a rosy light overall , even over the small faces pressed against the window .
2 The principal hunting weapon may have been the bow and arrow ; arrows , as with all tools , are rare in early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries ; they are often viewed as weapons of warfare but constitute the most obvious hunting weapon amongst the range of artefacts and their rarity in cemeteries may only be a reflection of their importance to the community .
3 A major problem has been the complexity and variability of political objectives discussed earlier .
4 One of the major areas of historical research in recent years involving scholars from several countries has been the rise and decline of slavery in the Americas and its impact on the growth of the industrial societies bordering the north Atlantic .
5 The great Continental stations , Paris , Stuttgart , Vienna , Budapest , Bucharest , Constantinople , have been the beginning and ending and en route stopping-places in the wealth of literature inspired by that acme of railway luxury , the Orient Express , the train on which James Bond once shot a man for ordering red wine with his fish .
6 It 's been the cradle and help of many actors , directors and playwrights .
7 The problem has been the cost and complexity of point-of-sale systems that can run to around £3,000 or £4,000 he says .
8 A key goal in LTQ training has been the development and dissemination of a common language to articulate company goals and a shared approach to routine problem-solving and personal interaction within the company .
9 EVER since Neil Adams retired , Densign White has been the spokesman and leader of the British men 's judo squad .
10 It is by no means clear that the Church and Queen position of 1710 – 14 was any more popular in the nation at large than had been the Church and King position of either 1660 – 2 or 1681 – 5 .
11 But Lévi-Strauss rather objects to the ethnocentrism of Sartre 's argument , for it means that ‘ man ’ , the constituents of whom should have been the result and product of Sartre 's anthropology , is defined in advance in terms of the dialectic as historical humanity , with history effectively restricted to societies of the West .
12 One typical activity has been the production and dissemination of locally planned materials .
13 Central to the application of these techniques in renewal tissues has been the isolation and maintenance ex vivo of progenitor or pluripotent stem cells , which by definition have the capacity for both self maintenance and for production of distinct functional cell lineages .
14 The Willses ' most obvious contributions in the sphere of education have been the founding and development of the University of Bristol .
15 One of the most remarkable aspects of population change in recent years has been the growth and redistribution of the labour force .
16 There has been a contraction and closure of plants , especially in the central urban areas , while there has been some expansion elsewhere .
17 It will be recalled that Philpot , before his appointment to Stockport as Headmaster , had also been a master and housemaster at Cheltenham .
18 His father , founder of Britain 's fascist party , had been a speaker and politician too .
19 For the remaining eight months she will continue her TV production work with FCEI , which has been a member and partner of WACC for several years .
20 The author seems to have been a companion and friend of St Paul .
21 Dated to the second half of the second century , it seems to have been a tannery and leather workshop , and is not only one of the few reliable instances yet found for this industry , but is also one of the few industries attested at Alcester .
22 Sleight had been a friend and champion of the deaf and dumb all his life .
23 I am a great admirer of longevity and Michael has been a friend and colleague for 32 years .
24 He had been a friend and ally of the president for many years and had served as chief of staff when Reagan was governor of California .
25 The Gallic chief , Commius , who had been a friend and ally of Caesar , turned against him in the great revolt of Vercingetorix after the Roman invasion of 55 and 54 BC .
26 The pope under whose jurisdiction he eventually fell , Urban VIII , had once been a friend and ally .
27 Lord Carnarvon , 68 , has been a friend and confidant of the Queen since her single days .
28 He had been a deacon and church treasurer before coming to Darlington and he hopes in retirement to have more time for church work .
29 ‘ But it is certainly true that there have never been a king and queen who are divorced .
30 If it had been a man and woman relationship you would think that was understandable but we are n't expected to have feelings ; if we do they 're a joke . ’
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