Example sentences of "[been] [prep] more [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Britain — outside the centralised and bureaucratic collective bargaining machinery which typifies the public sector — the trend has been towards more plant-level bargaining , more company-level agreements and generally more participation in collective bargaining by union workplace and management representatives at local level .
2 It may have been of more limited scope , for example , ‘ I refuse to have a blood transfusion , so long as there is an effective alternative . ’
3 There are other problems , apart from the fact that Harrison 's evidence dates from 1790 and if there was a regular working pattern in Bristol it may have been of more recent origin than he suggests .
4 Woosnam and Olazabal have been in more contemplative mood after further moderate performances in New Orleans .
5 Whilst colleges continue to offer HCIMA courses by part-time , block release and in special cases full-time study , by far the greatest development has been in more flexible study modes using the distance learning , self-study packs .
6 With the public appropriation of certain categories of property , however , the police have been on more certain ground , for the status attributed to the ‘ capture of the thief ’ has remained fairly constant , at least since the police were created as a public body .
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