Example sentences of "[been] [adj] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Psychology ( another recent coinage , this time by John Stuart Mill ) was still linked with philosophy — A. Bain 's Mental and Moral Science ( 1868 ) still combined it with ethics — but was increasingly given an experimental orientation with W. Wundt ( 1832–1920 ) , who had been assistant to the great Helmholtz .
2 What part of any contraction in the demand for elderly workers has been caused by state action over the setting of pension eligibility terms , and what part has been due to the autonomous decisions of employers , must for the moment remain an open question .
3 This may have been due to the long delays in the submission and execution of spot trades caused by the overloading of the NYSE order routing system .
4 This fall in operative trainees has primarily been due to the reduced demand following the recession in construction activity since the property collapse of 1973 .
5 He also expressed confidence that US aid would be resumed " within a few months " , claiming that the suspension had been due to the disproportionate influence exercised in the US Congress by the extreme right-wing Republican Senator Jesse Helms , but that Helms 's views did not represent those of the administration .
6 In recent years over 60% of postneonatal deaths have been due to the sudden infant death syndrome , giving New Zealand probably the highest death rate from sudden infant death syndrome in the developed world ( 4.0/1000 live births ) .
7 Half-way down the great boulevard a fakir shouted up to Dara that previously he had always been generous to the poor ; but now he understood that Dara had nothing to give .
8 Furthermore , the Robbins proposal that some colleges of education and colleges of technology be taken out of local authority control and made into universities would never have been acceptable to the local authorities and was politically a non-starter .
9 And there is an indirect contrast , whose significance would have been clear to the early Christian readers , but which loses a little of its impact two thousand years later :
10 Biblical motifs recur — some art-experts call them sermons in stone , and their messages would certainly have been clear to the often-illiterate medieval pilgrims trudging to Santiago de Compostela in Spain .
11 It must have been clear to the Prussian government that if it had not been for government subsidy the Junker estates would have collapsed under their own weight long ago , but they were nevertheless incapable of striking at what they saw to be the basis and guarantor of their state and society .
12 In general , the results that we have reported in this chapter have been favourable to the rational expectations hypothesis , suggesting at the very least that the usefulness of that hypothesis in one area of macroeconomics can not be dismissed lightly .
13 Still , she might have been nicer to the kindly old man .
14 In origin such legislation is likely to have been similar to the Pactus pro tenore pacis , the edict of Chilperic I and the Decretio Childeberti , which were later attached to the Pactus Legis Salicae .
15 Hitherto musico-dramatic entertainments at the French Court had been similar to the Italian intermedii , though with an ever increasing proportion of dancing , as in the famous Balet comique de la Royne ( 1581 ) devised , but not written or composed , by an Italian known in France as Balthasar de Beaujoyeulx , and the more dramatic ballets de cour composed by Guedron .
16 Above all , whoever occupied the throne would have been subject to the powerful pressure that Nicholas experienced from the United Nobility , the Orthodox Church and reactionary leaders of the Right .
17 The ancient duchy of Gascony , united with Aquitaine in the later eleventh century , had never been subject to the French crown .
18 In its November 1987 Offer For Sale Eurotunnel stated that ‘ safety and security considerations have been central to the overall design of the System and the plans for its operation ’ .
19 Shorter working hours and a shorter working lifetime have always been central to the Labour movement 's demands .
20 This has been central to the Catholic tradition as we well know .
21 This primitive image would have been appropriate to the fierce power of the sun in the eastern deserts .
22 Its co-operation has been crucial to the international consensus legitimising the war .
23 Their decision has been crucial to the subsequent direction of the drama .
24 By day their sunken , listless eyes reflected the depth of an inner misery that would have been unthinkable to the exuberant youths of 1925 .
25 If the bias we have detected in broadcasting was not obvious to media specialists we can hardly expect that it would have been obvious to the general public .
26 Though the import of the announcement was obvious to Indians , it seems not to have been obvious to the British government , which avoided making any explicit statement on dominion status for India for another twelve years .
27 You see , I 'd been accustomed to the guided progression of the last comfortable years at school .
28 The voice was Coleridge 's , arguing that although the war had been costly to the rich , it had left them much ; ‘ but a PENNY taken from the pocket of a poor man might deprive him of a dinner ’ .
29 Virginia Woolf , in her Bloomsbury circle , could hardly have been closer to the metropolitan heart of England , yet she , too , found a foreignness within it , deliberately defining herself as an alien .
30 Other forms of privatization have been closer to the dominant forms identified at national level by Mohun .
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