Example sentences of "[been] [verb] without any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me a matter of the highest possible importance that where a quasi-judicial function is being exercised , under such circumstances as it had to be exercised here , with the result of depriving people of their property , especially if it is done without compensation , the persons concerned should be satisfied that nothing unfair has been done in the matter , and that ex parte statements have not been heard before the decision has been given without any chance for the person concerned to refute those statements .
2 Gentle had successfully recreated one Gauguin previously , a small picture which had gone on to the open market and been consumed without any questions being asked .
3 They appeared to have been collected without any method : Wordsworth , Mae West , Saint-Simon , geniuses , criminals , saints , nonentities .
4 And if I might just come in on this thing that 's always thrown up against Mrs. Thatcher about her rejoice , she said rejoice when South Georgia had been retaken and the rejoice was because it appeared to have been done without any casualties — that was what she was rejoicing for , not the victory erm
5 These had been drawn without any reference to , or sometimes even without the knowledge of , their inhabitants and therefore had no national or even protonational significance for their populations ; except for colonial-educated and westernised native minorities of varying but generally exiguous size .
6 ‘ ( a ) where the goods have been sold without any stipulation as to credit ; ( b ) where the goods have been sold on credit , but the term of credit has expired ; ( c ) where the buyer becomes insolvent . ’
7 People had been condemned without any rights to attend the tribunals , to have legal representation , to judicial review , or even to know why decisions had been taken against them .
8 The current guillotine motion , however , has been introduced without any attempt to decide whether it was necessary .
9 It seems she 's been appointed without any advertising which would seem to flow equal opportunities promises here , the government and the health service really believe in it !
10 Never before in my experience has such a large degree of surface noise been eliminated without any loss of recording information .
11 It was a stupid decision , indicating only the severity of the government 's dollar crisis , and it is incredible that it should have been implemented without any discussion with the country 's major exhibitor .
12 Too true and how many attempted coups have gone wrong and the cash has been lost without any question of an inquiry .
13 Those killed included army officers and government officials , and many others had been imprisoned without any kind of trial .
14 The definition of a ‘ fleet ’ has been established without any reference to a member of vehicles in order to overcome administrative difficulties for members .
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