Example sentences of "[been] [verb] as [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This case has been discussed at length , especially in the literature on international trade ( see for example Jones , 1971a , and Magee , 1976 ) , and has been treated as representing the effects of unionization by Johnson and Mieszkowski ( 1970 ) .
2 The wage differential ( ) has been treated as representing the effects of unionization , but this does not seem a particularly satisfactory way of investigating union behaviour .
3 My husband has suffered from heartburn on and off for years and has recently been diagnosed as having a hiatus hernia .
4 [ T ] he mental health sector will be working in collaboration with the health service in developing a ‘ Care Programme Approach ’ to the provision of services to people who have been diagnosed as having a serious mental illness .
5 This might have been regarded as making the local manager 's job more straightforward but as one set of pressures was removed others made themselves felt .
6 Since the development of the plate tectonics model , the Andes have sometimes been regarded as representing a classic example of the orogenic consequences of the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath an overriding continental plate .
7 NILTs have always been regarded as representing the acceptable face of tribunals .
8 ‘ Consumers ’ or ‘ users ’ have traditionally been regarded as having no realistic , lucid , practical views to offer , and many professionals feel that the very nature of mental illness precludes users of services from making a sensible contribution .
9 Again , the executor and administrator have long been regarded as having the deceased 's possession continued in them ; when they assume office their title relates back to his death .
10 There were six staff present including the Project Coordinator , the new teacher-librarian , the head , representatives of basic studies , maths and science , and a social education teacher who had been designated as holding an implementation of policy post ( or " 10p posts " as they were commonly called ) .
11 Before the High Court ruling , opposition parties had been reported as considering a boycott , amid allegations that Moi 's Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) was attempting to rig the elections .
12 They have been reported as spending a great deal of time analysing conversations that they have held with the various Ketamine entities .
13 His buildings were never precious or timid , and avoided the excesses of some recent schemes which have been presented as wearing the conservation mantle .
14 She herself had been named as wearing a white robe — and was asked had she ever done so .
15 Absolutely no decision of any sort has been made as regards the introduction of Cal-Mac .
16 The fact that the research in 18 of the 23 subjects offered for assessment has been rated as reaching a level of national significance or better provides a very satisfactory base on which to building the University 's future as a research university .
17 The Report has been seen as providing the most authoritative collective manifesto for English ever issued .
18 The development of a separate manpower policy agency seems to have been carried out with all these motives in minds The University Grants Committee has been seen as serving the second and third purposes .
19 If we had proposed a separate profile component for knowledge about language , it might have been seen as having a weight ( in terms of content , teaching time and assessment ) which was disproportionate in relation to the English curriculum as a whole .
20 She suggests that this was perhaps because women have traditionally been seen as having a passive relation to language which is similar to that of a simultaneous interpreter who translates the ideas of others but does not produce any of her own ( 32 ) .
21 An extensive Cabinet reshuffle on Feb. 19 involved some 20 changes and numerous new appointments , and included the transfer of the Foreign Affairs Minister Habib Boulares , regarded as the most pro-Iraqi member of the government , to Defence ; the departure from the Cabinet of Hamouda Ben Slama , who as Minister of Youth and Sports had been seen as having an " affinity " with Islamists ; and the appointment of Habib Ben Yahia , a US-educated career diplomat and former ambassador to the UN , to take over Foreign Affairs .
22 If the traffic in emigrants was almost totally from the British Isles to America , the exchange in religious influences has often been seen as going the other way , from America to Britain .
23 By far the most important problem that has been selected as providing the push into the invention of crime has been thwarted conventional ambitions — Merton 's ( 1938 ) ‘ anomie ’ theory and the ‘ delinquent subculture ’ theories of Cohen ( 1955 ) and Cloward and Ohlin ( 1960 ) being the most influential examples .
24 APD — approved : The modified modules have been accepted as embodying the DC .
25 APD — approved The modified modules have been accepted as embodying the DC .
26 The modified modules have been accepted as embodying the DC .
27 In climatology the system has been adopted as providing a suitable framework and appears as the introductory foundation for Causes of Climate ( Lockwood , 1979a ) , where it is argued that the application of systems theory and mathematics has completely changed the subject of climatology .
28 The Avalonian orogeny of about the same age in Newfoundland , has been interpreted as involving the formation of a volcanic island arc and associated trench sediments on roughly north-south lines .
29 Subsequently what had been no more than a name implying a certain diplomatic affiliation between the Franks and Valentinian must have been interpreted as providing a genuine indication of the origins of the Franks .
30 None of the parts of ploughs from the period have survived except for the soil stain from a wooden object in a recently excavated , and unusual , grave at Sutton Hoo which has been interpreted as representing a complete ard-type plough .
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