Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 I mean I had no idea that by doing ‘ I left no ring with her ’ by Viola I was doing something that must have been heard a hundred times that day — I had no idea .
2 Harbury surmised that he had more reason than anybody : he had been severely demoted , he had been given a rough time and he was partly responsible for Martin Ayling selling to MacQuillan .
3 Watson had been given a hard time from the Wednesday crowd before those goals but is now hoping the tide has turned .
4 This looks to have been painted a long time ago . ’
5 The judge said he 'd already been punished a thousand times .
6 I have been preaching a few times and invitations are coming in , so it is good experience for me .
7 You 'll soon get the hang of it — once you 've been caught a few times you 'll suss out the attack patterns — but until you do , frustration is high .
8 However , once printed text has been photocopied a few times , or faxed , or degraded in some other way , the characters can become similarly indistinct .
9 ‘ It 's something that should have been done a long time ago .
10 Which should have been done a long time ago , and I 've been given yet another extension .
11 The cottage , he told Marshall , had been built the same time as the farm .
12 He had been defeated the first time , but that foray into the arena had taught him a lot .
13 It must have been said a thousand times in angling literature that location is the key to success and in zander fishing this was never more so .
14 But the decision made itself , as if it had been made a long time before .
15 He could explain that this had been written a long time ago , when he was quite a different person .
16 But Beatrice complained sadly that she had nothing to wear that had n't been seen a hundred times .
17 I had been swimming a long time that first Sunday , far out in the bay , and he could easily have slipped the things on to the Bourani end of the beach while I was in the water .
18 And he answered : ‘ Yes , I have been waiting a long time , waiting to hear you say that .
19 ‘ Our fans have been waiting a long time for a game like Sunday 's .
20 Well Newcastle folk have been waiting a long time , and we all badly want to give them something to celebrate . ’
21 There were only three crumpled cigarette-packs , a sign that whoever had been in the truck had possibly been waiting a long time .
22 I have been waiting a long time for a British magazine to offer intelligent coverage of mainstream sport in a way that Sports Illustrated , among others in America , seems to do effortlessly .
23 ‘ Sounds as if you 've been waiting a long time , ’ she said soothingly .
24 I 've been waiting a long time , watching the roads , asking about new arrivals in the large towns .
25 ‘ Well ? ’ she says as though she 's been waiting a long time .
26 we have been waiting a long time traffic calming .
27 She has been waiting a long time for your kiss . ’
28 It 's been used a thousand times already , as I gather the bed makes clear .
29 for everything had been bought a long time ago
30 She assured us they had only been worn a few times .
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