Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [adj] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 POLICE cells in Hastings , Sussex , have been painted pink in a bid to relax violent prisoners .
2 At the back of the platform was a fence , and although it had apparently been painted white in the early 1900's , in later years the paint had peeled off and bushes had grown up on the cutting side to provide a new backdrop to the isolated platform beside the overgrown railway .
3 He had been stripped naked in the oil store , where the incident had occurred during their very first month as apprentices , and his clothes triumphantly borne aloft to the plating shop to be washed in one of the hot water tanks .
4 ROLLERSKATE SKINNY sound like hyperactive urchins who 've had one bottle of Strongbow too many and been let loose in the local guitar shop .
5 I 've just been let loose in the big bad world and I 'm scared to death !
6 Gregory and Gary O'Kane have been looking sharp in the Saffron jersey recently while Jim Close and Sean Paul McKillop are match-winners in their own right .
7 One of the reasons why it might have been felt necessary in the field-worker 's presence to define the neighbourhood role as primarily crime control is because , like community relations , the Neighbourhood Unit is aware that the section police see them as having an easy duty .
8 No other area of the Morgan 's collection of more than 9,000 Old Master drawings has been made available in a completely illustrated catalogue .
9 In the past , some of Britain 's best known defence contracters have provided secure long term employment in the constituency , but thousands have been made redundant in the last two years .
10 FIGURES which show that more than 300,000 manufacturing workers have been made redundant in the past two years , revealed a ‘ deepening jobs crisis ’ , one of Britain 's biggest unions said yesterday .
11 A system with historic origins which had been made democratic in the nineteenth century was reorganized on a two-tier basis after a series of reports .
12 The former Brent Walker leisure group chief , George Walker , has been made bankrupt in the High Court in connection with debts of more than a hundred and eighty million pounds .
13 He was earning a decent salary and had been made welcome in the Liberal Party .
14 As has been made clear in the discussion of country houses , parks and the houses that stand within them are inseparable .
15 Mr makes there was an under , enumeration of figures and that has been made clear in the reply the reply is quite clear about the basis on which the structure plan is being promulgated and the total projected total population in two thousand and six regards the historical data , that should be taken , as far as I 'm concerned , as matters of fact , will of course not be absolutely accurate and as far as projected data is concerned all that we can do any of us can do is to try and make the best estimates possible and I am satisfied that our officers will have done that .
16 It had been made clear in the last few days , he said , with low-paid workers in North Ayrshire having their wages cut to join a trust while senior managers at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh awarded themselves BMW cars .
17 The girls would have fears on the island , especially at night , and these may or may not have been made manifest in a tangible object such as the beast .
18 But Paul Ricoeur points out the fact that most such theories are simulations of our internalized grammar of narrative , which is based perforce on narrative structures that have been made common in the past ( 1986:139–40 ) .
19 Pilar has been living alone in the huge house and has struggled to maintain it with four staff .
20 A Shia cleric , an enemy of the regime , had been shot dead in a hotel lobby in Khartoum .
21 Four men suspected of IRA terrorism have been shot dead in an SAS ambush in Ulster .
22 Finn must have been lying awake in the darkness , as she was , the wall separating them like Tristan 's sword , for she could hear the soft murmur of him and Francie talking together for a little while , but she could not make out one word .
23 ‘ At the time of the murder he appears to have been lying low in a barn near Gainsborough .
24 It is only when you stop scanning the horizon for monumental shapes that you realise they have been looming unnoticed in the foreground all along .
25 Jim is a founder member of the Elderslie Boys Club — which has been going strong in the area for seven years — and the Stoddards employee has himself contributed 17 years to Boys football .
26 Windows had been flung open in the close-packed buildings for fresh air to reach the stuffiest corner .
27 Those sub-pop noise boys — Slug — have been riding high in the local artists chart with their brand new demo .
28 After all , had n't the insuperable iron ships , the powerful weapons , the all-conquering engines of the colonialists been born first in the determined spirit of Western man ?
29 The action was alleged to have been initiated around Jan. 22 , at about the same time as other Kuwaiti oil wells and storage tanks had been set alight in an apparent attempt to disrupt the allied air campaign .
30 Emotions have been running high in the community since James 's body was found on a railway embankment .
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