Example sentences of "for [v-ing] nothing " in BNC.

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1 Curse me for having nothing in this world to give him but gratitude ! ’
2 He concludes that it was the consequence of a political style — a belief that ‘ Firmness , the resolute approach , is considered essential even in defence of the indefensible ; consensual , rational approaches to decision-making , tedious incrementalisms are regarded as excuses for doing nothing .
3 I recently listened to such a man curse the government for doing nothing to help his game .
4 She heard mention of six months ' imprisonment , and was terrified that she 'd be locked up for doing nothing .
5 The story was so mad that your brother was being told to shoot Martin Meehan and that I was going to be interned for doing nothing . ’
6 John Carlisle joined businessmen in attacking ministers for doing nothing to end the slump .
7 Yet some principles are at stake in Bosnia , and the world can not let the complexity of the issues be an excuse for doing nothing .
8 To see why , it is necessary to understand the case for doing nothing .
9 Soldiers and diplomats who knew Yugoslavia well could make its complexities sound like an excuse for doing nothing at all .
10 If the cost of abuse is less than the cost of implementing and enforcing regulatory structures in preventing the abuse , there seems to be , prima facie , a case for doing nothing , at least on a preventive level .
11 Often , unpredictability is the reason given for doing nothing .
12 It was at best inadequate and , at worse , an excuse for doing nothing .
13 They keep on getting extra wages every year for doing nothing !
14 ‘ Though I may say that I shall be getting twenty-five guineas next Thursday for doing nothing but sit around in a television studio for half-an-hour , instead of beating my brains out all week-end to write a script for the BBC Overseas Service and getting ten guineas for it . ’
15 Mr. Wilson : I shall not prolong the debate , but the Minister 's reply was a litany of excuses for doing nothing .
16 The most important thing I learnt was that the lawyer 's job in local government is to help get things done rather than provide elegant reasons for doing nothing .
17 It worries us that many farmers appear to be paid for doing nothing .
18 But once the new proposals are implemented , school work will be funded and we will face either the impossible position of teachers being paid for doing nothing or the arrangements will cease to exist .
19 Mason 's marker , the South African , Tienie Britz , and fellow competitor , Sandy Lyle , received written reprimands … " for doing nothing to prevent a breach of a basic rule of golf' .
20 The Edinburgh council official who 's paid for doing nothing will have to wait another month , before a decision is made on his future .
21 I mean it 's six hundred quid for doing nothing in n it ?
22 But but when initially presented to you , here 's twenty thousand a year for doing nothing my friend .
23 Getting nothing for doing nothing .
24 For doing nothing , which is
25 and if we divvied up the exam fee on a fifty per cent basis it would mean that B A I E were getting twenty quid for doing nothing but probably more twenty quids than they would get normally because students who would be attracted in through Napier would be paying their forty quid as well
26 Whilst we appreciate the financial constraints being faced upon the public sector , we must not accept this as a reason for doing nothing .
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