Example sentences of "for [det] hours " in BNC.

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1 She returned to the liver unit ward just before noon but was not expected to regain conciousness for some hours .
2 ‘ However , in my opinion the body had lain for some hours after death in a supine position . ’
3 Professor Burney said that the body had been kept on its back for some hours , before being put in the gateway . ’
4 Filters : Brush off loose debris , immerse in very hot alkali degreaser solution and leave for some hours .
5 Parts of a size that can be immersed should be soaked in hot caustic cleaner solution for some hours , the longer the better .
6 One day in April 1943 Albert Hoffmann , a chemist who was working at Sandoz on the development of ergot alkaloids , felt unwell and went home early , where for some hours he experienced a variety of disordered visions .
7 We have all heard of the addiction caused by long-term taking of tranquillisers but did you realise that the effect of sleeping pills can last well into the following day and many antihistamines ( commonly taken to relieve colds or allergies ) can make you so drowsy that you should not drive for some hours after taking them ?
8 ( In 1874 , whilst at her favourite residence at Osborne in the Isle of Wight , Queen Victoria made a number of trips to the post office at nearby Whippingham where she would stay for some hours comforting a dying deaf woman , Mrs. Elizabeth Tuffield , nee Groves .
9 From there we went in a funny little train with open trucks which fascinated Tim , until we got to a railway junction where we had to wait on the station for some hours for another train to take us to Calcutta .
10 This was interesting ; some tritium was occurring naturally in the heavy water and when they measured the tritium levels after the experiment had been running for some hours they found that the tritium level had dropped .
11 Still driven by the storm they were carried west for some hours into another narrow passage , though now the current had reversed , so what appeared to be a great ebb-tide came rushing towards them .
12 Koenig , concealed behind some rocks , watched this ceremony for some hours .
13 It was a warm night , and he had been studying hard for some hours .
14 And frustrated because Brückner was out of her reach for some hours .
15 Why she was here , she could n't imagine ; but her head was clearer than it had been in a long time , which meant that she must have gone for some hours without any kind of an injection .
16 She must have been asleep for some hours when the sound of her opening bedroom door penetrated her dreams and brought her instantly awake .
17 I should have water for some hours yet , but I did n't know how long I 'd be ashore , and as the shingle here seemed fairly hard I reckoned I could get the rubber dinghy to the water even at low tide .
18 Apart from some salty garlic bread , neither of them had had anything to eat for some hours beforehand so despite the fact that the party was hardly properly underway yet , they were both feeling the effects of the drink .
19 Then I walked across empty fields for some hours until I reached a village .
20 After the best flat surface is obtained , the paraffin oil is removed by placing the preparation on a warm plate for some hours .
21 She had drifted off , and had been fast asleep for some hours when the sound of someone 's keeping their finger pressed on her doorbell roused her from a deep sleep .
22 On Saturday she again walked for some hours around and about the tree-lined , wide , clean streets of the spa town with its artistic colonnade and its many curative springs .
23 He had been away for some hours .
24 Well , they 're in detailed discussions , and negotiations are likely to go on for some hours .
25 The laboratory or department under the charge of each professor shall be open for at least eight weeks in each term , and at such other times , and for such hours , as the professor shall think fit .
26 The supply of domestic staff in Britain had dwindled after the First World War , when former servants found better paid employment for fewer hours ' work in offices and factories .
27 I felt guilty — after all , they had trained me — but in the end I saw so many of my friends making the move , I saw them working in better conditions , earning so much more for fewer hours , ’ she grimaced , ‘ in the end I decided I 'd be crazy not to join them . ’
28 The organisation of the Latin office of the Church at the Canonical Hours evolved from a complex tradition of teaching which found justification for these hours of prayer in both Old and New Testaments of the Bible ; and a general pattern emerged in which they were connected with the Passion narrative .
29 for many hours on day one the river seemed amazingly narrow , one bank of it always being on the front end of my canoe .
30 Fish caught in gill-nets are generally regarded as being of poorer quality , because they are often dead for many hours before coming aboard the fishing vessel .
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