Example sentences of "[Wh adv] it is [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 there 's no , there 's no need to sort of rush at the , I think we wait and see what they 're going to offer us in er whenever it is that it comes up for renewal .
2 If we could say ‘ I know ’ only when we could also say exhaustively how it is that we know , it would create just as much a problem for the sophisticated philosopher as for those of us who are simpler .
3 But he never explained how it is that we can so easily be led by involuntary desire .
4 Could I just start with the white paper on community care funding because I think , as he said in the introduction , it is a complex subject , erm , and it does involve a lengthy transition period , and therefore in terms of its understanding , I think it 's important that members are aware both how the money is coming to us , broadly what we 're doing with it , and , and how it is that we 've reached the conclusion that there 's a great under-funding in the , in the present proposals .
5 They were looking for the principles of organisation , how it is that we organise things like dots into a meaningful whole Why is it that we tend to see two lines crossing in the middle rather one two than two V's ?
6 This means that Locke has not only to substantiate the claim that all ideas are derived from experience , but also to explain how it is that our reason gets from those ideas to certain items of knowledge which others said were innate .
7 It is a research programme which sets out to show how it is that our beliefs about an external world , about science , about a past and a future , about other minds , etc. , can be justified on a base which is restricted to infallible beliefs about our sensory states .
8 Erm how do people sort of beco when you become a member of a group , usually in some way the group changes you as you go through different stages of it , your values may change as a result of interacting with people in the group and th this process of erm somebody 's come up with how it is that you start off in a group , how it is that you become an active member of a group , how it is you may even become involved in the maintenance of the group and the leadership of it and then you sort of die away and that 's the y'know retire from the group .
9 Erm how do people sort of beco when you become a member of a group , usually in some way the group changes you as you go through different stages of it , your values may change as a result of interacting with people in the group and th this process of erm somebody 's come up with how it is that you start off in a group , how it is that you become an active member of a group , how it is you may even become involved in the maintenance of the group and the leadership of it and then you sort of die away and that 's the y'know retire from the group .
10 His reference to faith may explain how it is that he is able to conceive of the notion of absolute Truth which he calls God .
11 Carers and friends need to start where the person is at , and not wonder how it is that someone can seem so upset at the death of a pet and yet apparently unmoved by the untimely death of their spouse .
12 I do n't know when it is that you 'd like to take this .
13 You 're not sure of of where it is that you feel you might .
14 As I write this I realize at last why it is that her face has kept coming to me in this room .
15 This objection helps to reveal why it is that we regard a hierarchical classification as natural .
16 The investigators also seek to explain why it is that whatever the complexion and resolve of the government of the date , public spending has apparently irresistible momentum .
17 Sometimes I look at my father and I wonder what 's going on in his mind , why it is that there 's so much hatred , so much poison inside him .
18 Perhaps most importantly , try and determine yourself why it is that you 're not sleeping .
19 So I would dearly like to know why it is that you find yourself so enthusiastic … ’
20 ‘ I wonder why it is that you object to being laughed at by me , when you invite laughter in your stage show ? ’
21 It provides a healthy challenge to the virility of a believer 's conviction to see if he can say succinctly just why it is that he believes Christianity is true .
22 As I lie uneasily in the cab , I wonder why it is that I feel propelled to barge in here .
23 Can I put to you , Mrs , my problems as an inspector on this , and perhaps then you 'll understand you know why it is that I am trying to get this er all written material before the end of the enquiry .
24 Naipaul 's readers could well have become inclined to ask why it is that his novels seem to say that there is nothing to be done in , or with , the countries of their concern .
25 Search your pigeon-hole , staff room or wherever it is that your school sends its copies .
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