Example sentences of "[Wh adv] well it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 'll be judged by how well it 's written and what people think of it .
2 How well it 's made
3 How well it 's made
4 Once you have decided your policy and put it in place , keep an eye on how well it 's working .
5 In these sorts of circumstances , the teacher 's predominant practical concern is not with the learning experiences of individual students , but with the overall ‘ instructional flow ’ of the lesson with how well it is proceeding to its intended conclusion and maintaining order as it does so .
6 The real test of any training , of course , is how well it is applied back at the workface , and apart from Neale 's role in P-E , only the coming cricket season will show him how effective the Grid can be .
7 Poor dentition and the absence of teeth can affect both what is eaten and how well it is masticated and absorbed .
8 That depends only on its future earning power ( that is , how well it is run ) and on how risky is the sort of business it is in .
9 To many economists the cause of the difficulty lies in an institution , central planning , which can not achieve balanced growth and innovation in a mature , sophisticated economy no matter how well it is managed .
10 First , I shall look at the philosophy underlying the 1981 Act and examine the evidence as to how well it is working in practice .
11 The technicalities of this transfer process are ultimately of peripheral interest compared to the quality of the music and how well it is shown off .
12 No matter how efficient the Institution , how quick its response times or how well it is known nothing would be possible without those who raise the funds to keep the RNLI running , and in reporting the reaching of the end of another financial year in an excellent position to plan for our future the Chairman extended his thanks once again to the fund raisers .
13 Granada uses these reports to see how well it is performing in relation to its contract .
14 They 've shown opposition to the introduction of L M S right from the start and put every obstacle possible in the way of its success , and its implementation , and yet there they were congratulating themselves on how well it was working .
15 Diane could hardly believe how well it was going , and Dizzy had n't even put in an appearance yet .
16 ‘ I stopped my eight- and ten-year-olds from watching Grange Hill , ’ she says , ‘ because it covered abortion and , however well it was done , I did not want their first experience of it to be through television . ’
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