Example sentences of "[Wh adv] he [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever he buried himself in the ledgers and account books , he lost all sense of time .
2 Asked how he rates himself as a novelist , he replies : ‘ All I can say is that every single book has sold more than the last .
3 All too often moralists tend to regard a person 's moral life as the story of how he proves himself in the face of moral demands imposed on him by chance and circumstance .
4 If it is much easier for senior staff to make negative rather than favourable assessments of his ability , the field officer is faced with an important practical problem of how he portrays himself to his seniors as good at his job .
5 He had fixed his star on the great Shakespearian roles — that , in his professional life , was what he lived by , that was how he tested himself to the limit .
6 Another key piece of evidence was Magee 's palm print on the roof of the police car , matching Pc Kelly 's description of how he steadied himself before firing .
7 When asked to sum up how he sees himself as a manager , Miller replies : ‘ As a player , maybe I was n't the best .
8 I 've been watching him these past few weeks — spying on him , you might say — and I 've seen how he surrounds himself with cronies .
9 Wordsworth explains how his own mind slowly arrived at maturity , how he dedicated himself to poetry , and how after being diverted by Cambridge , France and Godwinism , his imagination was restored , a vision of the eternal Mind granted to him on Snowdon ( Prelude 1805 , xiii , 1–119 ) and his poetic vocation assured .
10 They heard how he talked himself into trouble in the early hours .
11 The deposed king had announced his decision to return at the end of May , when he committed himself to promoting democracy and announced that he was planning to sponsor an interim multiparty government of national consensus which would include members of the military .
12 During the year they had been together , she had seen him time and again in the dark quiet hours when he believed himself to be unobserved .
13 He was only 15 when he hanged himself in the hospital wing of Swansea Prison hours after being found guilty in court .
14 But with the memory of this three-quarter-length in mind , the Daily Sketch critic repeated a remark made fifteen years before : ‘ The self-portrait has the melancholy expression Minton invariably gave his features when he used himself as a model .
15 A classic example was when he found himself at the centre of media and national attention after taking over the chairmanship of the troubled Westland Group in June 1985 .
16 Yet there are others , on the fringes of power , who see him quite often at meetings of the government , at the very few moments when he shows himself to carefully selected groups of people , or when he travels from place to place .
17 The 35-year-old Kurd from Turkey was waiting for a routine appointment in the Croydon Immigration Office in south London when he doused himself with petrol .
18 Mr Mukhametshin , a 39-year-old Tatar who grew up in the Central Asian republic of Uzbekistan , began in business at 13 when he apprenticed himself to a family of travelling ice-cream makers .
19 He began seeing a Hollywood writer , Florrie Christmas , whom he took to Jamaica , where he drank himself into a stupor daily .
20 The linoleum beside the chest was badly stained by spills from the big white pot where he relieved himself at night when the house was very quiet and scary .
21 Keeton spent three years there before returning to Cambridge , where he established himself as a private tutor to Law students , while he waited to be invited to fill a vacancy for a legal appointment in the Foreign Office .
22 The benefits of this system can be demonstrated by the example of the trader who carted a crate of whetstones from Craven Arms , or possibly from Stony Stratford , to Wroxeter for a market day , where he found himself in the company of other merchants selling mortaria as well as samian ware from Gaul .
23 Akroyd Stuart was elected a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1901 , but a few years previously he had emigrated to Australia , where he involved himself in the design and manufacture of the Akroyd patent down-draught gas producer .
24 He then moved to Sydney , where he confined himself to private practice , designing mainly houses .
25 Steele escaped only weeks ago from Edinburgh prison and turned up in London where he glued himself to the railings at Buckingham Palace to protest his innocence before being re-arrested. escape , Steele telephoned the Daily Record newspaper .
26 He retired from the Army in 1948 and returned once more to his estate at Bishopton , where he devoted himself to farm improvements .
27 He has always been very bad about it , which is why he injured himself at Steve Hadley 's yard , and even now John has to dope him before he is clipped .
28 Bill was completely subversive and that , I suppose , is why he liked climbing and why he endeared himself to climbers .
29 Chapter Five argued that the main problem in discussing the peasant question in the reign of Nicholas I is explaining why he addressed himself to it at all , not why he did relatively little .
30 The main problem in discussing the emancipation may be explaining why Alexander addressed himself to it halfheartedly rather than why he addressed himself to it at all .
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