Example sentences of "[Wh adv] i [verb] got [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well that 's how I 've got the corresponding dates .
2 and I have to record ten tapes by Monday which I have to get up at ten thirty in the morning when I 've got no school and take it back up to the school .
3 Not being a moron ’ — he coughed — ‘ I can tell when I 've got a fever .
4 But , ask me another day , when I 've got a bit more time .
5 Anyway perhaps if if I come back to you after next Tuesday afternoon when I 've got a meeting to talk just about that subject with the deputy and see what options are going to come forward .
6 oh I know when I 've got a lots of , if I do one lot tonight
7 " The whole thing 's a farce , of course , they 've known and loathed each other for years , but the official version of this world-shaking meeting of titans has to take place in public where it can be duly recorded — and one of us must be there , and why should it be me on a Sunday morning when I 've got an angelic assistant ?
8 I do n't mind shopping on Saturday when I 've got the money , but I do n't like it during the week — I 'm usually broke by Monday — so I keep it down to a minimum .
9 ‘ One of these days when I 've got the time . ’
10 On , on here where I 've got a concrete type work more like
11 And people wonder why I 've got no money .
12 People why , wonder why I 've got no money .
13 Carbon dioxide is the most soluble of the gases because as it dissolves it does n't just go through a physical solution it goes through a chemical conversion such that carbon dioxide dissolving in water forms carbonic acid which , in water will dissociate into a hydrogen iron and a hydrogen bicarbonate iron which can further dissociate this is why I 've got a nice wide blackboard and you 've only got a piece of A four paper so you end up with a carbonate iron two hydrogen ions This system is a dynamic equilibrium .
14 Yeah , but why I 've got a wine glass and everybody
15 ‘ Then that 's why I 've got the craps . ’
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