Example sentences of "[Wh adv] i [verb] i had " in BNC.

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1 Whenever I believed I had come up with something , I probed it for every sort of oversight , tested it through from all angles .
2 How I wished I had n't left my camera at home .
3 How I wish I had been there ! ’ said Gildas , not for the first time .
4 They have a very special significance , and how I wish I had known how to press flowers when I was given my first red roses by my husband , but unfortunately I learnt a few years too late !
5 But how I wish I had a body of my own , one that did my bidding .
6 So the first opportunity I had I left Bradley 's and went back to the Lock so it 'd been war direction , war service we asked and it counted as me service with the Lock , that I had n't interrupted me service being as I was directed so that 's how I say I had fifty years at the Lock .
7 Even though I now encourage my class to use any methods they like , there are still times when I wished I had not said something which could inhibit a pupil 's thinking .
8 When I looked it was a pellet and that was when I knew I had been shot .
9 There are times when I wish I had someone to look after and who would look after me again , but I am confident now I can do it on my own . "
10 The dread excitement of D-Day came , and I longed to be at Bletchley where I felt I had had a rôle .
11 Were they always prepared to support a long-term speculative research project ? ’ — he stated ‘ Apart from superconductivity I had a main project on insulating oxides where I felt I had solid ground under my feet , at least under one foot .
12 The , for example , where I worked I had to bale out you know in the morning about thirty pails of water , you know before I could even see my footboard .
13 Which is why I felt I had to speak to you , Hans .
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