Example sentences of "[Wh adv] i [was/were] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After our first Report the tabloid journalists enjoyed themselves by writing provocative articles about how I was the professor for whom correct English did not matter .
2 Interested but not involved — except during the years when I was a member , and latterly chairman of the Crofters Commission .
3 The theological justification behind such an approach ( not that I had necessarily thought this out at the time when I was a member of the church ) must surely be that God 's will must be held to be one with what is good , and therefore what Christianity proclaims can not differ from human ethical goods .
4 ‘ I remember when I was a coach at Wimbledon — in the Southern League then — and Middlesbrough came down to Plough Lane for an FA Cup-tie .
5 Then he looked at the old eagle again and shaking his head said , ‘ During the last war when I was a prisoner I knew men who were nearer to death than this and yet by some force of will or perhaps some power greater than us they survived .
6 I remember when I was a kid , you dare n't say ‘ boo ’ to a peeler .
7 Referring to his upbringing in the Protestant Shankill area , another said , ‘ I remember when I was a kid , if you seen a policeman you 'd run , nowadays kids are more likely to tell you to fuck off ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 18 ) .
8 I ca n't say whether this is true or not but I have been told , it was spoke about when I was a kid , that they never saw each other except if they were both of the same religion .
9 It 's like when I was a kid and when everybody else in the grammar school got school dinners I had to queue outside the headmaster 's office every morning for me free dinner ticket . ’
10 As they used to say when I was a kid , people keep to their station .
11 " I say , Lyn , did I ever tell you how I actually got into one of the old mines when I was a kid ? "
12 ‘ I guess I just saw too many of those sci-fi movies when I was a kid .
13 At least it 's better than the paraffin we used to have when I was a kid . ’
14 A lot of old sailors you know er in them days , when I was a kid aye .
15 And they still had ration books when I was a kid .
16 I remember you from when I was a kid , back in the days when you do n't remember me . ’
17 ‘ On lots of winter holidays when I was a kid , ’ she told him .
18 Pig iron you know er pig iron was what they had I 've seen them pouring furnaces pouring it onto the pig beds , and you know when I was a kid when we lived in Caldmore from about half past nine at night all across West Bromwich , Wednesbury all over that area , you 'd see the sky light up and it was due to the pouring of er pouring the pig iron .
19 Oh , I remember when I was a kid getting in trouble
20 The Mulverins have a farm there now — they used to be the stewards when I was a girl .
21 This was when I was a girl and we had a lot of calves to feed and water .
22 I think at the end of ’ When I was a girl ’ the main character Katy is looking to the future .
23 At the time er when I was a firearms instructor er that was the job that I did every day I went to work either firearms training or firearms operations .
24 On one of these trips to London when I was at school , good when we went with the Brownies , I went two or three times and er , one time when I was a bit older , I mean the first time I went as I say I was only about seven , but , when I was a bit older I went again , they said if
25 My resemblance to my father — which had always been remarked upon when I was a child — was now startling .
26 ‘ I used to puff peas when I was a child , ’ Jehana said , and took the blowpipe from him .
27 In the past , habit is expressed by used to or , when a number of habits are referred to , would may be used : I used to walk three miles to school ( every morning ) when I was a child ; He would wake up at about 6.30 .
28 Well I can I can remember when I was a child and kids had a lot of time to do hobbies and a favourite hobby was to make a a garden and I never made one , but a friend of mine was ooh forever making these things and giving them away as presents you got the lid of a biscuit tin or something of that sort and you I do n't know what they used for grass they used to model little ducks and things and he had a piece of mirror to make a pond have you ever seen this done ?
29 I remember when I was a child that occasionally my parents would have visitors to the house , people that I 'd never set
30 I mean I know in my time when I was a crane driver if they , if one of them did n't turn up dow down at Cliff Quay they 'd come along to a crane driver and they 'd say , take a rope for us will you .
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