Example sentences of "i ask [art] " in BNC.

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1 May I ask a question of the majority of manufacturers of wood boring bits ?
2 Mr Chairman could I ask a question because one of the things that I 've found missing this evening is specific things that people would like to see in this playhouse or perhaps specific things that we used to do and that find are missing and the last I have n't heard the word gallery mentioned from there much at all what do we think about the gallery ?
3 Could I ask a
4 May I ask a question on the this er , the speaker said er erm that it will be down so that they on er er or no particular help on his accordance but o on these here , o on the ones this is n't the case .
5 Moderator , can I ask a second question ?
6 Moderator might I ask a question ?
7 Moderator might I ask a question er perhaps a supplementary ?
8 Could I ask a couple of questions about the section on family matters Moderator ?
9 Now can I ask a self-indulgent question , I mean , how well do you think the women , ten , and twenty , and thirty years older than you have done in , in achieving a better deal for women your age ?
10 May I ask a question ?
11 ‘ John , ’ said Bob , ‘ may I ask a very naive question ?
12 Can I ask a question ?
13 May I ask a question ?
14 Can I ask a does the scheme erm mention stalls , and what were
15 Could I ask a question please ?
16 For several moments he made no reply , then he sent her an enquiring glance as he said , ‘ May I ask a favour ? ’
17 Could I ask a question please Mr Chairman ?
18 Can I ask a question ?
19 Can I can I ask a direct question ?
20 excuse me can I ask a question ?
21 Yes er on the production phase , can I ask a very general question erm are you satisfied every one of the participants is now totally locked in .
22 Can I ask a question ?
23 Erm er Chairman , may I ask a question on paragraph four , four and appendix three , that 's on page four and appendix three on the increased percentage on school milk charge ?
24 There was a brief pause , then Rosemary was rushing on as if fearful that they would be back before she had said what she 'd rung up to say , which was , ‘ Can I ask a favour , Leith ? ’
25 Can I ask a personal question ?
26 Can I ask a selfish question ?
27 Can I ask a question please , who will determine what is the most important work which is part of our promise , list
28 Can I ask a further question Councillor please ?
29 Unless someone has a better solution , can I ask the many thousands of WCM readers who are as infuriated as I am to write and complain to the BBC 's Head Programme Scheduler .
30 Er that is that at least three of the articles are talking to quoting different organisations er suggested that the playhouse theatre trust had been recommended to do something about their marketing er a at least two years ago if not longer ago erm certainly it 's my knowledge er they have not employed specialists to that they have not employed a specialist to that indeed since the last er appointed publicity officer left , that person that post has not been er refilled er could I ask the theatre trust why they have chosen not taken that recommendation seriously ?
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