Example sentences of "i stood on " in BNC.

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1 I stood on the fringe of the little group for a few moments waiting for a chance to speak to Lovat .
2 My mind cast back to the winter of last November when I stood on this same platform awaiting the arrival of a new intake .
3 We held hands going to school every morning , Jimmy and I , and three times I stood on my head for him at Miss Annie 's to prove my love .
4 At an election rally in the Wembley Conference Centre in 1983 , I stood on a nail in my training shoes and it went nearly four centimetres into my foot .
5 I stood on the deck , watching the two spires of Dun Laoghaire receding into the distance .
6 As I stood on the walkway , the water level reached above my knees , and I waded along beside the wall in the direction of the lower door and the river .
7 ‘ When I stood on the first tee in the morning I could hardly see the fairway , ’ said the Atherstone club-mate and friend of Paul Broadhurst , the Ryder Cup player .
8 I stood on Magdalen Bridge in the dying day , and the sky , mother-of-pearl streaked with violet and awash with rose and yellow light , gave me a tightness at the throat ; it seemed an intimation of all the beauty and sorrow of the world .
9 ‘ When we pulled out of Jaffa , I stood on the stern and looked out over the old city , ’ he said .
10 Just over five and a half years later , I stood on the same spot and watched the Israelis drive down the same road to be greeted in precisely the same way by the same Christians on the same balconies .
11 Recently I stood on the dereliction that is Lindow Moss in Cheshire .
12 For it is true , when I stood on that high ledge this morning and viewed the land before me , I distinctly felt that rare , yet unmistakable feeling — the feeling that one is in the presence of greatness .
13 I stood on the winner 's rostrum swathed in the Union Jack , the photographers ' light bulbs flashing , the crowd clapping , cheering , other Union Jacks being waved from side to side .
14 Certainly she presented me with my medal for the 100 metres and as I stood on the plinth she did not bat an eyelid .
15 I stood on my anchors and the BMW 's much-vaunted braking system came good .
16 If I stood on a street corner somewhere , someone could slip me a small packet in exchange for a fiver and in a few hours I 'd be slumped on the floor of a public toilet : a Drug Statistic .
17 ‘ What would you give me if I stood on that boulder on one leg ? ’ asked Christopher , eyeing a small rock on the extreme edge of the cliff .
18 In 1985 I stood on the quayside , shivering in the cold drizzle , to watch Arthur Hutton plant the hedge , closely watched by his grandson Martin , who hopes one day to follow his grandfather in keeping up the custom .
19 I 'd blown it , and I stood on stage in a semi-circle with the rest of the acts and an artificially bright smile , while the compère read out the marks awarded to each act by the three judges .
20 He held me while I stood on one leg to massage the injured toe .
21 As I stood on the tufted grass , surrounded by natural beauty , I felt as if I 'd come to another world
22 I stood on the doorstep alone , pressing my lids together , breathing in , breathing out .
23 I stood on the step with my hamper .
24 As I stood on one foot to remove them , the little cabin shifted on its suspension but there was no embarrassment , not even in the disparity between the utility of our underwear and the transcendence of our desire .
25 When my holiday had the goodness to be over , I stood on the usual rush-hour bus and read a schoolboy 's comic strips over his shoulder .
26 I stood on the round wall and wound the handle as fast as I could , but when the bucket was still just out of reach , the rope kept slipping so I could not reach the bucket .
27 I could hear the sound of rent cloth in my head , but I stood on a wooden chair while Lili pinned the seams closer , standing quietly like a broken horse to be saddled and bridled .
28 I stood on tip-toes to look round the hall ; a paper-plane battle seemed to be taking place at one end .
29 I stood on my grave and my flesh knew all there is to know of clay , and my bones of stone .
30 I stood on her doorstep and started hooting with laughter .
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