Example sentences of "i make the " in BNC.

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1 I now thank that friend who first put the direct question to me and made me make the decision .
2 But let me make the point here that separatism and man-hating are different things .
3 ‘ You can come through to the kitchen and help me make the tea , ’ Miss Honey said , and she led the way along the tunnel into the kitchen — that is if you could call it a kitchen .
4 ‘ Fred lets me make the decisions , an' it was my idea ter sort this back room out . ’
5 ‘ You 'll let me make the cakes ? ’
6 Yet a combination of things , active marketing by both the gallery and the artist herself , made me make the journey to Watermans .
7 Let me make the position absolutely clear to the House .
8 ‘ Then I 'll let you make the decisions that affect all nomes ’ bodies , ’ said Gurder , his voice just one step away from being threatening , ‘ and you 'll let me make the decisions that affect all nomes ’ souls .
9 How do I make the application ?
10 I would try and get people to work as a team together and then when it obviously is n't going to work properly , only then would I make the decision .
11 I asked myself each time , Why ca n't I make the pot boil ?
12 Can I make the point as a country dweller
13 Can I make the point
14 Can I make the letters that will say it ?
15 This , I am assured , is not merely ‘ the most comprehensive lifestyle and financial program one can apply for ’ ( will I make the grade ? ) but is ‘ most distinctive ’ for the ‘ philosophy it represents ’ .
16 May I make the further suggestion that when it is all over on 9 April we get the right hon. Gentleman a new job — a walk-on part in a re-run of ’ Crossroads ’ or as a substitute for Ken Barlow .
17 As a Scottish lawyer , may I make the simple point that the Lord Advocate looked carefully at the question of a prosecution for culpable homicide ?
18 Could I make the point , that I think the footings were already there , because they 'd started their double garage , which they then were n't allowed to have , and I think this is gon na stand on the footings .
19 Can I make the same point as well please ?
20 Can I make the point that if you do n't get to the parents of kids kids , before the end of summer term you could be jeopardising the chances of what they 're doing in the SATS because if you get to the parent erm in the beginning of the spring term and say you know , Fred is not doing particularly well because of this the parents are then in a position to do something about it but if you actually tell them once , basically the stable doors closed what can
21 ‘ It was n't a drunken stupor , nor did I make the tart . ’
22 Shall I make the envelope ?
23 Shall I make the little thingumajig up for you ?
24 May I make the point that this money was committed as part of a contingency fund in the budget before poll tax came in right ?
25 May I make the point to Les , and it 's true , it is not illegal to do things without planning permission
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