Example sentences of "i once [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is , in fact , a good case for resisting the takeover of literature by culture , though it is not as strong as I once thought it was .
2 Finally he moved his chair nearer to her and said with great feeling , ‘ I once thought that he was a liar and a thief .
3 In fact in our tenement " penthouse " I once unearthed several roller-skates which I cannibalised until finally there was only one , at which point I gave up the unequal struggle on a solo skate .
4 I once read about a boxer who did that .
5 I was so excited by the first decent piece of gold ever found , that a test I once read about came into mind .
6 like I once read a book where this girl she wanted to be a doctor and they brought her to a nursery for work experience
7 I once ran into a 10-wheel timber-hauling lorry which , being only about 3 miles long , had momentarily escaped my notice .
8 No help at all , I should think — I once fell asleep while she was arguing the pros and cons of Henry versus Hank-from-Texas , and toppled onto the floor with a very loud crash which woke everyone up .
9 The extremism I once heard in soul has been evened out .
10 I once heard of a case where two dogs fought almost to the death over an empty sweet paper .
11 I once heard a couple making plans and counter-plans for a family outing ; after much discussion one of them said , ‘ As far as I can see , there are disadvantages in all those schemes . ’
12 I once heard my mummy say
13 I once heard daddy say to her
14 I once heard a recording dating from the American election of 1948 .
15 I once heard a sermon in which the preacher defended atomic weapons on the ground that Satan would never use them because it would hasten his own destruction !
16 I once heard her say ’ , Hortensia went on , ‘ that a large boy is about the same weight as an Olympic hammer and therefore he 's very useful for practising with . ’
17 these caused an acute attack of what I once heard referred to as ‘ the wants ’ or , in this case , ‘ I want a fine gauge knitting machine ’ !
18 I once heard of a woman who complained that all the attractive men in London were gay .
19 None of the servants seemed at all curious about her , but I once heard two of the maids talking , and I listened when I caught her name .
20 I once heard Dr Starkie lecture , and I 'm glad to report that she had an atrocious French accent ; one of those deliveries full of dame-school confidence and absolutely no ear , swerving between workaday correctness and farcical error , often within the same word .
21 I once heard a very distinguished palaeontologist argue that the base of the Devonian was obviously at one particular level because he had shown that one species of trilobite changed at that horizon into another .
22 I once heard the confession of a merchant from the Portsoken who wished absolution for killing his wife .
23 ‘ I do n't know about saving souls , ’ said Richmond Town chairman Eddie Roberts , ‘ but I once heard him save a sportsman 's dinner at which Emlyn Hughes spoke first . ’
24 ‘ Another strange comment I once heard from a doctor was that transsexuals were obsessed by sex , which was great news to us , especially to me , who lives like a monk . ’
25 I once walked , or rather limped , the thirteen miles of tarmac , plagued by a protruding nail in the sole of my shoe which was digging a small crater in my heel , and during the whole journey not a single vehicle passed me .
26 I once walked from Shieldaig to Annat long before the two communities were linked by a modern road , a woodland path pointing the way .
27 I once went to the trouble of having a pair made in the finest white doeskin but fortunately I have now outgrown such extravagances in much the same way that I have outgrown the petty conversations and banal posturings of those who frequent literary gatherings or , worse , television studio canteens .
28 I once went to the Ajami police station to ask for protection but the British constable would n't open the door to me . ’
29 I once went to Japan to advise on a course , ’ he continued , ‘ and they wanted this bunker reproduced exactly as it is on the Old Course . ’
30 I once used Body Positive to put someone recently diagnosed in touch , and I once went to a THT Safe Sex talk out of interest , but the latter was like going to a CHE ( Campaign for Homosexual Equality ) meeting for the first time and did not tell me anything I did not already know .
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