Example sentences of "i understand it " in BNC.

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1 I understand it 's hard for the organisers because they have to go where they can find the biggest sponsor .
2 I understand it 's hard for the organisers because they have to go where they can find the biggest sponsor .
3 So , the underlying part of the contract , as I understand it with Bowie , was that he was going to make an album with Tony Visconti and that song had to be done as a single .
4 As far as I understand it , it was Angela who pursued the interest in Tony DeFries .
5 Cocaine , as I understand it . ’
6 I understand it was your older daughter who met Mr Hawick first ? ’
7 To get back at him ? — I understand it if you did .
8 I understand it was a quite unique event .
9 Of course I understand it 's most difficult for you , you 're struggling with your Scottish Protestant conscience .
10 As I understand it , lung cancer spreads like the plague .
11 As I understand it , one can illustrate the proposal in terms of a language .
12 Millions of men had been butchered during the first World War , and in post-war years , the ratio of births , as I understand it , was four to one in favour of baby girls .
13 As I understand it , Mary was a committee-member , entertainment section .
14 It never should do , as I understand it .
15 As I understand it , GPs refer patients to individual consultants , usually to the older , more experienced man who may be slowing down , rather than to the younger , inexperienced newcomer who is right up to date with the latest hi-tech mod. con. , but is afforded scant opportunity to increase his experience .
16 I understand it , in a way .
17 Nevertheless , as I understand it , the individual may be striving towards mature object relations but finds himself in situations where those in authority to whom he may want to relate may cause him to regress towards infantile dependence .
18 The point , as I understand it , is that there can be a resonance between the inner situation and its anxieties and the outer world with its real dangers .
19 The Danish international has been linked with a move to Arsenal , but I understand it is the Saints who have made the most serious move to his Italian club , Pisa .
20 McMenemy added : ‘ As I understand it Graham said that in an ideal world the longer the lay-off the more games you would hope a player would have before his next England appearance .
21 ‘ As I understand it Alex Ferguson and the players are upset by comments made by the Doc in his newspaper column and on Piccadilly Gold .
22 The evolutionary story , to the extent that it can now be understood ( and to the much more modest extent to which I understand it myself ) seems to me to give some support to the view that in this respect the historical story means very much what it seems to mean .
23 I was never told exactly how much these tests cost , but I understand it was well over one million dollars and probably nearer two million .
24 That , as I understand it , is the law . ’
25 ‘ As I understand it , a cartel is illegal because it 's trying to impose a monopoly on the market .
26 Er in my opinion at this particular time we must bear in mind the financial constraints that we work under and er would the board agree with me that erm survival comes first yes but it 's obvious that the programme that we 've er had put forward is a good compromise between preferred in the arts , maintaining the theatre as a viable proposition and er entertaining the people of this particular part of the world because as I understand it this theatre was not just the artist also an entertainment centre and it 's in this area that er it 's quite obvious when you look into the figures on this area the popular area that the majority income comes so you 'll have to make a compromise and I will congratulate the board on what I think is pretty reasonable compromise so it 's quite obvious in the programme .
27 ‘ The way I understand it firms are obliged to take on disabled men from the war . ‘
28 " As I understand it from Purvis , Madam Marchioness is wallowing in despair because she loved a man who chucked her out .
29 As I understand it , he said that Master Patrick had asked him to advise Miss Senga that he was sage and would be home in a year or two . "
30 Well I hope fairly broad on these figures but er So what we have here er as I understand it , is a broad series of options
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