Example sentences of "i be die " in BNC.

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1 I am dying in my own death and the deaths of those after me .
2 About half-an-hour before his death , he said , ‘ I am dying ’ , and soon after added , ‘ ‘ I am in the high road to heaven . ' ’
3 I am dying , Alida Thorne said , I am surely dying .
4 I am dying .
5 I am dying .
6 I am dying , oh , dear God !
7 I am dying , she thought , as her forehead broke out into a fine sweat , I do not even have to think of it , my mind is on other things , but there is a disturbance , quite plainly to be felt , in the mechanism of my heart .
8 ‘ I know that I am dying , ’ he said , ‘ and I am so angry with God for letting it happen , and with my family for refusing to let me work through it . ’
9 I am dying to make a sweater inspired by a new music centre in our house .
10 Fincara has cast me out of Undersea for my treachery ; and now I am dying . ’
11 I am dying , Egypt , dying , her mind gabbled when Dotty Blundell 's brassière fell to the dusty floor .
12 ‘ Really , Mr Lytham , it 's no secret that I am dying , so please do n't feel embarrassed to use the word ‘ death ’ .
13 ‘ Well , that 's an artful way to get me to wait on you , ’ interrupted Sally-Anne frankly , ‘ and I suppose , since you are so cunning , and I am dying for a drink , you might have your way — perhaps a bonus on my wages might be an idea , seeing that I shall be doing this out of hours . ’
14 I am dying to play at Wembley , ’ admitted Owers . ’
15 I am dying to that old life , to that old self and I am following in this new life , and therefore , I am going through this , this symbolic act of being baptized , of dying to the old and being raised a new life in Jesus Christ .
16 I am dying !
17 ‘ If I 'm to die , Master , I prefer to be with you .
18 Wo n't you sit down again and tell me something I 'm dying to ask you ? ’
19 ‘ No , but I 'm dying to see the gypsies . ’
20 I 'm dying for a cup of tea , ’ Charlie announced .
21 I 'm dying for some punch .
22 There was a moment of silence , and then the old lady , her tone returning to normal , looked at Grace as she said , ‘ Now , Grace , when the meal is over and there 's all this tosh about the ladies rising so the men can enjoy their port and cigars , here 's one who is staying behind because I 'm dying for a cigarette .
23 I 'm dying , ya shit . ’
24 I 'm dying to know .
25 I 'm dying to find out which is Drew Benedict . ’
26 I 'm drunk , darling Lee , I 'm dying .
27 It does n't seem right on the phone ( … must dash , oh , by the way , I 'm dying ) .
28 I 'm dying to go , darling . ’
29 As I returned , I heard him say to Joy , ‘ I 'm dying !
30 I 'm dying ! ’
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