Example sentences of "i be nothing " in BNC.

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1 Externally conformist and controlled , her journal functions as the confidant she never had : ‘ My head feels empty and I am nothing particular .
2 So often , in all this , I have felt that I am nothing .
3 I may have the gift of inspired preaching ; I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets ; I may have all the faith needed to move mountains — but if I have no love , I am nothing .
4 It is puzzling when people say I write like this one and that one and all such different kinds of writers and so many of them , and it makes me feel I am nothing in myself . ’
5 I am nothing without this little flat .
6 I am nothing . ’
7 ‘ I am a member of the Kha-Khan 's court , and without his favour I am nothing . ’
8 Lucien watched her go , thinking , ‘ Oh , Paradouze , I am nothing , a puny scrap .
9 I am nothing but a stomach of cheap tin , empty but for the clanking of a few tin cans which have been squashed by a gargantuan hand and thrown together .
10 It points to truth which has become wisdom born of experience : This is Rolle 's version of 1 Corinthians 13:2 : And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries , and all knowledge , and if I should have all faith , so that I could remove mountains , and have not charity , I am nothing .
11 I am nothing of the sort !
12 Without you I am nothing . ’
13 I 'm nothing if not consistent .
14 People like Niall , like Michael Morrissey , who do know what it is like to be poor and shat on , the bottom of the whole U.K. heap , they know I 'm nothing when they set eyes on me .
15 We think back to the antihero of Notes from Underground lamenting that he ca n't even call himself a lazy man , and we think sideways to Svidrigailov : ‘ Believe me , if only I were something ; a landowner , say , or a father , a cavalry officer , a photographer , a journalist say — but I 'm nothing , I 've no speciality . ’
16 I 'm nothing special , you know .
17 I 'm nothing
18 Because I 'm nothing
19 Chorus No , I 'm nothing To write home
20 Chorus No , I 'm nothing
21 I 'm nothing .
22 Oh , I do n't matter — I 'm nothing , nobody , just the bloody fool who keeps a roof over your head — but I 'd have thought you 'd have the decency not to drag Tom into it … . ’
23 I 'm nothing .
24 Her film , Without You I 'm Nothing , will be playing at the ICA and arthouses across the country , and she 's on the cover of Playboy and THE FACE .
25 It 's a contradiction she captures in one of her characters in Without You I 'm Nothing — a secretary who moves to swinging San Francisco , gets a great job , then marries her boss , talking all the time in a torrent of adspeak , product placement and magazine cliché .
26 The first , Without You I 'm Nothing , is now preserved on film — a motley mixture of songs , monologues and Sandra taking her clothes off .
27 She used to attack the audience — during the hugely-successful New York run of Without You I 'm Nothing , she would use a torch to pick faces out of the dark — and for a while incorporated messages left on her answering machine by a once hostile critic who was trying to suck up and make friends .
28 The film version of Without You I 'm Nothing features Sandra 's voice singing a slowed-down version of Prince 's ‘ Little Red Corvette ’ while she dances , wearing tassels on her nipples and a tiny stars-and-stripes shield on her crotch .
29 I 'm nothing special .
30 I 'm nothing but a small-time gangster 's moll . ’
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