Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [det] [pron] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But even in this one instance , the way in which he introduced his quotation showed how little he was in the habit of being guided by it .
2 Oh it says how much they 're in arrears ?
3 Where to Labour stand on Training and Enterprise Councils ? tries to stress how much they are in favour of them , but Mister is telling people to ease up .
4 Well what I 'm , we 'll go to a sp how much they are in a sports shop .
5 just so can we get back to research about beginners because I 'm worried about how much there is on the tape and you 're about to drive to Pitlochrie erm basically you have to define a beginner to see what they want to do
6 Depending on how much there is in the kitty of course .
7 We 've got V is equal to nine thousand five hundred , that 's how much it 's worth , and then take away N over ten .
8 Erm saying I 've got this gambling problem , I do n't know whether how much it 's worth betting on this .
9 And they ought to form value of what , so they know how much it 's worth , what the company that 's gon na earn them the money want the money for the valuation .
10 It 'll tell you how much it 's worth , your activity .
11 So when I parked my car I said to them I forgot how much it was in there , twenty pounds in the hotel as you 're not a guest they give them in reception .
12 I feel how much he was at people 's mercy , being manipulated , and it does upset me .
13 I wonder if you do n't realise how much I am in your power without that . ’
14 now this particular question , this , it 's a very solemn and searching question , it belongs to a group of three questions found in the New Testament which have to do with a matter of salvation , the first one is , we wo n't look up the reference and that for time this morning , the first one is the question that the disciples put to Jesus , who then can be saved , that 's in Matthew , chapter nineteen , then there 's this one in Luke thirteen , are there few that be saved and then that very , very personal question that was put not to Jesus but to Paul by the Philippinean jailer in act sixteen , what must I do to be saved , three questions in the new testaments about salvation , who then can be saved , are there few that be saved , what must I do to be saved , you know as Christians you possibly found yourself , asking yourself the , the same question that these people put to Jesus , why are there so few Christians , look about our own town , think of your own neighbourhood , your own street , think of the place where you work how few there are who are followers of Jesus Christ , how few there are who have committed themselves to Jesus Christ to of receive him as their saviour , who 've have accepted him as saviour , how few there are when you compare it er to all the others who are rejecting him and er who are living their life regardless , how true it is that the great majority of people seem in , in this present day to have little time for God or for the things of God , they 've got time for all sorts of other things , but God and his claim on their life is crowded out , how many there are like that , how few there are who have submitted to Jesus Christ and have received him as their saviour or so it seems .
15 There 's some that are going up at the moment to this pond , they develop them for the next three years to spend their life in the fresh water feeding , and what we 're trying to do here is to see just how many there are in , in the river er as a total .
16 And we know how many there are in the age band we can say we 're penetrating to a degree of
17 When you 've saved up a card , I do n't know how many there are in it you got a pound worth of gifts at
18 How many there are in the family .
19 How many it 's for .
20 There are something like 50,000 individual genes providing the genetic blueprint for each individual , and our task is really to find out where each one is on human chromosomes and to isolate them and to characterise them .
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