Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adv] [pers pn] may [be] " in BNC.

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1 But it still falls into the category of advice no matter how sound it may be .
2 The remedy could have been more appropriately applied if those prescribing it had offered us a clearer understanding of what a clause is and how far it may be similar to various other structures .
3 It does not matter how well you may be able to see the model if you are unable to relate the information in terms of the action required .
4 Clients are often totally unaware of how negatively they may be talking to themselves , anticipating failure and minimizing success .
5 The image of a body simply can not do justice , we are saying , to the reality of — and our complex emotional reaction to — overpowering physical realities like the sea or the night-sky ( however much we may be told that the stars are a twinkle in God 's eye ! ) .
6 In The Secret Sharer , the narrator-reader relationship is objectified by the use of " I " , so that we feel the observer as being a separate identity from ourselves , however much we may be invited to share his vision .
7 In Leetham ( Henry ) & Sons Ltd v Johnstone-White [ 1907 ] 1 Ch 322 Farwell LJ commented : … a man whose business is a corn miller 's business , and who requires to protect that , can not , if he has also a furniture business , require the covenantee who enter into his service as an employee in the corn business to enter into covenants restricting him from entering into competition with him in the furniture business also , because it is not required for the protection of the corn business in which the man is employed , however much it may be beneficial to the individual person , the owner both of the corn business and of the furniture business .
8 This is true , and no one can say they know a score , however well it may be known in the mind , until it has been tried on the orchestra .
9 However hard it may be to imagine , it was so . ’
10 But we employ thirty thousand people and therefore one has to look after the majority , however hard it may be on a relatively few — one thousand people in that particular case .
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