Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adv] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Last year I won the Julie Rose 10K in a time which was within 10 seconds of my track best for the season , which is indicative of how badly I ran on the track .
2 how effectively they plead for nothing .
3 The offices faced out on to the wolf enclosure and as he looked at the pack huddled by the iron fence in the snow he thought how right they looked for once .
4 Realising how little they knew about the subject , she and two staff midwives from Wythenshawe began to research the needs of deaf women during pregnancy .
5 First it was necessary for participants to recognise how little they understood of each others ' work , and then to begin to formulate ways of working as a team .
6 ‘ You 'd be amazed how little we know about the polar regions , ’ says Dr Preben Goodmandsen of the Technical University of Denmark .
7 Just how little we know about the site 's status and function is reinforced by recent spectacular discoveries , including the hoard of gold coins and the cache of Christian silverware .
8 The problem of the survival of the Aviti is a useful reminder of how little we know about the political structure of even our best evidenced sixth-century diocese ; but from the evidence which we do have it is clear that the exercise of episcopal power in the Auvergne was no simple matter .
9 An example of how little it matters to the speechreader is the sound of TH as in :
10 ‘ With his ultimate decision on whether or not to sell entirely dependent on how successfully you cope in his absence . ’
11 She responded with a round-robin letter to all her employees , thanking them for their contributions and enthusiasm and reassuring them how highly she thought of them all .
12 However language does not just reflect the society in which we live , it also contributes to how we experience that reality and how much we contribute to keeping things as they are .
13 For last year 's service we drew up a plan and then wrote a personal letter from the laity group to all the Churches , emphasising how much we believed in the power of praying together for Unity .
14 I 've just built a spreadsheet to show how much we spent on subscriptions in 1991/92 and 1992/93 .
15 Why we eat what we do and how much we eat of any particular food is a fascinating subject .
16 How we buy food also has an influence on how much we eat of it at any one meal .
17 That made me realise how much we depend on the prison officers and the fantastic security systems that have been built up .
18 We realised how much we depend on each other .
19 Seen from this point of view , what is remarkable about neurobiology is how much we know about the brain , not , as you might think , how little .
20 We tend to take our water for granted , a turn of the tap and we have all we need , but we should consider more this most important mineral , without which we could not exist , the dry summer of 1976 proving how much we owe to water companies and the men who operate them .
21 ‘ The government does it with poll tax bills , letting us know how much we pay for those who wo n't , so why not extend it ?
22 There are three separate but interacting processes which determine how much we pay for welfare from the public purse .
23 I am impressed tonight to see how much we agree about the position there and on the need for much stronger action than has been taken so far .
24 No matter how much we do in developing our own media projects in this continent and around the world , we will still only be one small voice in the vast ocean of communication media .
25 p.p.s have I got the figures about right for how much we payed for players — Beeney ( .35m ) , Kelly ( 0 ) , Dorigo ( 1.3 ) , Fairclough ( .6 ) , Wetherall ( .15 ) , Strach ( .3 ) , Speed ( 0 ) , Macca ( 1.3 ) , White ( 1.25 — this is the one I 'm most unsure of ) , Wallace ( 1.6 ) and Deane ( 2.9 ) ?
26 Additionally , many single people admit that they had not realised before how much they relied on their job for companionship and sometimes , even for part of their week-end social life .
27 No matter how much they eat of their current food , they just ca n't get enough energy from it .
28 For example , in a survey I carried out on the membership of the National Trust — one of the largest voluntary associations in Britain with over a million and a quarter members — it was decided that topics should include such things as how people came to join , how they felt about the payment of subscriptions , how much they read of the literature the Trust sent them , what their main interests in conservation were , how active a part they wanted to play in the work of the Trust , and so on .
29 In one key experiment , for example , we trained over a hundred birds , measuring their imprinting preference score and motor activity ( that is , how much they ran in the wheels ) as well as RNA synthesis .
30 To set incentives and to monitor their impact requires reliable measures of what waste is produced and where : the next article examines how far countries agree on what counts as waste , and how much they know about its origins and destiny .
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