Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adv] one [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I wondered how long one could live without food or water ?
2 The type of calculation in table 5.2 , therefore , may provide a financial basis for assessing how soon one can begin to manage an SBU or product group as a ‘ cash cow ’ .
3 Even though companies ' actions are the result of a substantial contribution of views from many people it is surprising how often one can predict the competitive gambits from knowledge of the characteristics and prejudices of the leader .
4 A theoretical stress upon biblical study , an active laity , the reunion of Christians , and a positive commitment to the service of the world in its cultural , social and economic needs , coupled with an absence of guidance as to how all this was to be done and how far one could go in these various directions , led both to a state of real popular enthusiasm but also , almost inevitably , to tension and conflict .
5 I have sometimes whiled away idle moments in speculating how far one could elaborate this figure before the reader became suspicious .
6 There are difficulties in identifying areas common to the brains of people and other animals and , even when that can be done , it is unclear how far one can rely on the areas working in exactly the same way .
7 It is accepted that such activities are not merely a matter of skill , but questions are asked about how far the ‘ knowledge ’ in such fields is capable of being explicated and taught in an explicit rather than tacit , intuitive or mimetic manner , or how far one can develop standard or consensual criteria for judging performance .
8 Although it is relatively easy to illustrate the process of modelling in a book or at a lecture , in real life there are problems in deciding how far one should go and what level of detail is appropriate .
9 In any event , there is likely to be significant variation in views as to how far one should condemn or condone this liberationist violence in the North .
10 Despite the problems we are inclined to accept some homologies in the nervous system , although there is disagreement about how far one should take it .
11 And how well one can play .
12 Always at the back of the mind are worries over how well one will get on with the other artists .
13 They always have and , however much one might wish it , they always will .
14 However hard one may try to place a new ballet in any of the style categories already mentioned , it is noticeable that the basic style of dance used in any ballet is usually merged with another .
15 Most evolutionary propositions , especially those referring to historical derivations , are not directly testable , however precisely one may attempt to erect alternative hypotheses for testing .
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