Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] have n't [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Will it be easier er next Friday seeing how you have n't got to do the staff ?
2 Erm , all speaking with an air of running business , managing finance and er how we have n't managed in the past because this is what , our actual
3 It was when I had n't seen him for a long time and I was all wound up .
4 I felt comfortable and relaxed , much better than the previous day when I had n't slept at all , worried about whether my injury would stand up , whether I had come all this way for nothing .
5 A few moments later he raised his head , to catch a gasp of breath and then to mutter softly in her ear , ‘ There has n't been a day — or night — in the last four years when I have n't missed you .
6 I ca n't remember when I have n't had to work on Christmas Day became the animals have never got round to recognizing it as a holiday ; but with the passage of the years the vague resentment I used to feel has been replaced by philosophical acceptance .
7 Other times I am mean and nasty , and there are other times when I have n't got complete control of myself but I do want some sort of discipline .
8 I saw him play a few times last year when they were still in the premier div. and was fairly impressed however I have n't seen his form this season and I 'm sure a year in Div.1 wo n't have improved him .
9 Only after they were built did the Manager of Shawcraft ask me why I had n't made the base more cone-shaped .
10 Was that why I had n't wanted to believe the rumours ?
11 It was so obvious I could n't imagine why I had n't seen it before .
12 I wondered why I had n't had the wit to take the starveling cat to Mother Joseph as soon as I knew that Nour might kill it .
13 That 's why I had n't taken anything with me . ’
14 He was wondering why I had n't returned his call .
15 I wondered why I had n't thought of this before .
16 ‘ Perhaps that 's why I have n't heard from Richard today . ’
17 I do n't know why I have n't heard it .
18 Erm your statement of purpose you , you er you , you gave over and at that point , you know , I 've had a policy for thirteen years or whatever it is why , why I have n't seen somebody before erm and again you , you gave an answer to that erm which , which actually satisfied there was n't any , any comeback on it erm you mentioned industry and so on and that was , that was , that was f that was okay .
19 No , why I have n't seen it for dry down there for years .
20 But because they 're essentially a sort of er a noisy and spectacle spectacle thing , erm that 's why I have n't done anything with regard
21 Maybe that 's why I have n't had it back yet .
22 Afterwards , she wondered why she had n't asked more questions ( Where are they now ?
23 She wondered why she had n't seen any signs before this moment .
24 She 'd known he 'd think that and that was one of the reasons why she had n't wanted to get into this conversation in the first place .
25 Now that he 'd told her , she could n't understand why she had n't recognised him right from the start — she 'd seen the article , had even marvelled at the way the photographer had managed to capture those dark , brooding eyes .
26 Training to be a doctor had n't left too much time for socialising , and maybe that was another reason why she had n't suspected that Paul was one of those rare people dogged by obsessive jealousy .
27 ‘ I thought that was why she had n't phoned lately .
28 It would be the same for Rory — she 'd always known she 'd give her heart only once , and that was why she had n't played the love game with the same reckless abandon as so many of her contemporaries .
29 Liz thought he looked appalling , and wondered why she had n't noticed it before .
30 She wondered why she had n't noticed the quiet before now .
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