Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] have always been " in BNC.

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1 One girl spent the whole afternoon talking to me about her family 's obsession with beauty , how she had always been praised and noticed for being pretty and not much else , and then , just at the end , spoke guiltily of ‘ wasting my time ’ with a subject so unimportant .
2 Janet 's bedroom is painted pink , which she says is ‘ how it 's always been , I ca n't be bothered to repaint it ’ .
3 That 's how it 's always been . ’
4 That 's how it 's always been with Oliver and me .
5 They heard how he had always been an ungrateful and dangerous child , violently attacking another boy , and finally running away from the house where he had been working .
6 Worth buying for the introduction alone , this collection of Burchill 's contributions to a variety of British papers and magazines ( including us , of course ) highlights why she has always been a great read .
7 For another it was learning French at evening classes when she had always been considered a complete duffer at languages .
8 But to be where you 've always been makes it easier .
9 However it has always been recognised that they can only complement the work done in the home and the parish and do not replace it .
10 For a moment , for the first time in his life , he began to realize why his grandfather had never lost his love of Mother Russia , why it had always been in his blood .
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