Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] has [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Shirley Miller of the Chemical Workers Industrial Union of South Africa , explained how she has used ICEF as ‘ information brokerage ’ in disputes with SA Cyanamid , Johnson & Johnson , Reckitt and Colman , and Ciba Geigy , among others .
2 This project , which is a continuation in some respects of work conducted in 1981-2 , seeks to evaluate how this change in policy originated , how it has affected crime rates and penal policy in other respects , to what extent the policy is now being modified , and the implications for sentencing and imprisonment in Britain .
3 Think of how it has bolstered Radio 4 against rival stations .
4 He is a great example to anyone who has a setback and it is marvellous to hear how he has put adversity behind him as he sets out on the long slog round the tough pro circuit once again .
5 She reappeared , according to this , in Geneva , where she has made contact with Dimitri Volkov and became his mistress .
6 One other reason for the use of the rope is to help the fielder know when he has made contact with such a boundary , and often a fielder has signified to the umpire that a ball has made contact with the rope of that he himself , while in contact with the ball , has touched such a rope .
7 How can they expect their leader to devote his energy to attacking the Tories when he has to spend time dealing with his own rancorous , ill-disciplined colleagues ?
8 McLeish last played for Scotland against Bulgaria in a European Championship qualifying tie , since when he has battled injury to the extent that both player and national coach could yesterday be candid about the reasons why his sudden recapture of the captaincy of his country has a storybook feel .
9 Ennio Marchetto exploded on to the international comedy circuit in 1990 and was hailed as the cult hit of the Edinburgh Festival , since when he has delighted theatre audiences worldwide with his unique and highly-developed show featuring a multitude of paper showbusiness characters .
10 Not when he has botched reunification and his country 's interest rates cripple home-owners and industries far beyond his own borders .
11 Normally it is very faint — below magnitude 14 — but it has shown outbursts in 1890 , 1902 , 1944 and 1966 , when it has reached magnitude 7 .
12 The Labour Council continues to show its concern for the least fortunate among us at a time when it has to spend time , money and effort attending the demands of increasingly authoritarian central Government and collecting the Tory Poll Tax .
13 Furthermore , because technology has been primarily an add-on input to enrich the student 's experience , there arc few , if any , examples one can point to where it has improved system productivity .
14 Dr Lillford , ( right ) who received the senior medal , is principal chemist at Unilever where he has led background research groups in the investigation and development of several product ranges .
15 This is one reason why it has become routine among Christian writers to warn against a god-of-the-gaps .
16 The Government realizes this and that is why it has cut debate off .
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