Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] be [verb] and " in BNC.

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31 Erm and it 's different from site to site , but I can , the things that you can normally control are the labour and how they 're used and the plant and how it 's used .
32 Well you think about how they were constructed and the number of man hours !
33 Watercraft have also been reconstructed to test how they were manufactured and how well they functioned , as in the recent case of Olympias , a reconstructed Greek trireme .
34 At first you 'd think they were just looking but really they were turning things over and over in their hands to see how they were made and checking out the cut so they could rip them off .
35 My grandmother is a keen birdwatcher and she 'd already introduced me to a lot of the different birds that visited her bird-table , telling me what they ate and showing me their nests and explaining how they were made and what they were made of .
36 Programmes can be viewed as programmes , and students encouraged to express their opinions as to how they were made and how effective they were .
37 The production of axes from these sites was on a prodigious scale , although we know nothing of how they were traded and distributed all over England and Wales .
38 Again , Kathleen talked to the visitors about our penguins , how they were hatched and hand-reared here and about their award-winning enclosure .
39 Another type of experiment involves the reconstruction of finds : experiments on stone tools , for example , have greatly increased knowledge about how they were used and what they were used for .
40 Well , the best thing about the course is , I think , that you get an all-round view of how it 's arranged and the time aspect of the information flow — that it takes a long time for information to reach the books and compendia etc .
41 Recent productions like Ian McNamara 's Letter to Allan Border and Mike Brady 's The Game is Not the Same Without McGilvray slot alongside the revived Our Don Bradman and Our Eleven ( 1930 ) , both sung by Art Leonard , and Bradman 's How It 's Done and ( piano solo ) Our Bungalow of Dreams , components of the precious old 78rpm of 1930 , of which so few copies survive .
42 It 's how it 's used and what people do to get it that can offend our values .
43 It depends how it 's introduced and how it 's handled subsequently .
44 This booklet describes what the ES does , how it 's organised and where you will fit in .
45 Good communication means that the customer fully understands Hickson 's plan , how it is progressing and how any new information learned will affect short and long term outlooks .
46 It is also a question of understanding power itself , how it is exerted and where it lies .
47 This section gives an overview of LIFESPAN , describing briefly how it is implemented and installed .
48 What the experienced communicator recognises is that the effectiveness of what is said is as dependent upon how it is said and perceptions and impressions others have of the person presenting the argument as it is upon the quality of argument itself .
49 They give little attention not only to how it is understood and experienced but also to the relations between bureaucracies and elected politicians .
50 Depending on how it is vinified and where it 's grown , it can be rich , toasted and buttery , redolent of tropical fruit , or lean and grassy with lemony acidity .
51 What is important is whether the intervention is in support of or against the state , how it is manifested and what its impact is .
52 The actual impact of any policy upon the public will depend upon how it is interpreted and put into practice by government officials .
53 If you really want to understand a waiting list you need to get in there are find out how it is organised and managed .
54 In that time we have found out how it is produced , how it is metabolized and , now that its receptor has been cloned , we are beginning to understand how it acts to release calcium .
55 Just as different theoretical schools within each of the social sciences , as well as the disciplines themselves , have various views about the nature of human behaviour , how it is conceptualised and conceived , the way in which this should be investigated , then they will also have different ideas about what sorts of things are to count as data .
56 Of course , if schoolchildren are to use the library effectively they must know how it operates , how it is administered and how it is organized , but these arc only the preliminaries .
57 The effect of any drug depends on the drug itself , how it is used and the person using it .
58 Here partnerships would not act as a proxy or alternative to the local education authority but rather as facilitators , allowing schools and colleges to learn more about accountability , how it is portrayed and realised .
59 This book is , therefore , concerned with what social policy is , how it was created and how it was implemented , as well as with its weaknesses and arguments about what it should be .
60 It helped with how it was presented and may be cutting down on what was presented .
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