Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Invariably , whenever I am out shopping with my little boy , conversation with people we meet turns to sweets , with questions like ‘ Are you going to buy some sweets today ? ’ or ‘ Does n't he want sugar in his drink ? ’
2 Whenever I was n't feeling well and had to slow down , everybody else slowed down .
3 Dear Guitarist I have been meaning to write to your fine mag for a long time , but whenever I was about to put pen to paper someone else got there before me with the same topic .
4 Whenever she was not concentrating on something else , it sprang into the foreground of her thoughts .
5 Whenever she was not working in the house or on the vegetable patch , Endill would find her in the rickety old shed beside the wall he sometimes climbed to hunt for nests in the trees above .
6 Almost 17 million of South Africa 's 28 million blacks live in the homelands and their support at the ballot box is crucial whenever they are finally given the vote .
7 She quoted from an address that John was supposed to give to his troupes whenever they were about to tour :
8 ‘ She pretends to pay Alexei no heed ; but whenever he is not watching her , she looks to make sure that he will follow when she rides away . ’
9 While Miller was preparing the Kalendar , he was told of the ‘ ungenerous intention ’ of others to use Dictionary information for the same purpose , ‘ upon which I was the more intent to have it published before such a design could be accomplished by any other hand , which was not very difficult for me to do , having a complete Diary of my own , so that I had little more to do than to transcribe my loose papers and dispose them into the method wherein they are here presented to the world . ’
10 This was prior to the introduction of the Actively Seeking Work welfare legislation whereby one is automatically disqualified from benefit if you leave your job voluntarily .
11 There needs to be a facility whereby one is automatically informed that the entry at which one is looking has a cross-reference to it in another part of the dictionary , and whereby one is immediately given a display of this cross reference ( or all of them , if there are several ) if one wants to check it .
12 There needs to be a facility whereby one is automatically informed that the entry at which one is looking has a cross-reference to it in another part of the dictionary , and whereby one is immediately given a display of this cross reference ( or all of them , if there are several ) if one wants to check it .
13 Therefore , very large firms which have secured a degree of market dominance will often prefer independence or , where they do retain formal employers ' association membership , may have ‘ nonconforming ’ status whereby they are not required to follow the terms of a national agreement and disputes procedure ( such as a number of firms in the Chemical Industries Association in Britain , including ICI and Glaxo ) .
14 I find it astonishing that , in less than a year since proposals on these lines by Robert Jackson , the higher education minister , were leaked , the majority of university vice-chancellors should have moved to a position whereby they are actively pursuing the option of charging students the full cost of their courses .
15 He had to think like this because of the nature of his employment , whereby he was often required to make inflated claims for the nature and properties of the products which his clients wished to bring to the daily notice of the populace .
16 And I 've got to try and get to work , get home , get my jobs done and get these cleaned as well I do n't know how I 'm bloody gon na do it all !
17 A video of their adopted daughter Dylan telling how she was allegedly molested by Allen was given to — though not aired by — a TV show .
18 A week later Liz appeared much more cheerful and explained how she was now catching up with her work .
19 A YOUNG model told last night how she was brutally beaten after a minor row in a nightclub .
20 THE sister of missing estate agent Suzy Lamplugh last night told how she was almost kidnapped by a crazed knifeman .
21 It reminded her painfully of Jordan and for the first time she thought about how she was never going to touch him again .
22 I knew she had psychic gifts , but I could not work out how she was so clued in to this film .
23 I was just dropping off to sleep and you know how you 're just thinking , yeah , mm what are we gon na do this weekend , and all of a sudden , Ben 's legs went and kicked me really hard , and I thought oh my God something awful 's happened , and you , you really do , you move a lot .
24 There 's never any spaces behind Clifford 's Tower so I do n't know how you 're just telling me fibs are n't you ?
25 ‘ But how you 're ever going to convince anyone else that 's what happened , I do n't know … ’
26 ‘ Tell me once how you 're really feeling , ’ David said , ‘ and then I will leave you in peace . ’
27 ‘ You know how you are always talking about Miss Hatherby ? ’
28 You have to be quite clear in your own mind who you are aiming this at and how you are actually going to formulate it .
29 We need to be aware of how we are subconsciously taught .
30 How we are still tooling along unaffected is slightly beyond my imagination .
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