Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Work continues whenever we can muster a gang of at least two , which is quite often .
2 This view led to the first restrictions on private members ' capacity to interrupt or hold up business whenever they liked — or whenever they could get the House to listen to them , for there was always considerable self-discipline .
3 Referring again to Fig. 4.4 it is apparent that the total torque produced by the motor is maximised if each phase is excited whenever it can contribute a positive torque component .
4 The injunction was : Item ; That you and every parson , vicar or curate within this diocese shall for every churche kepe one boke or registere , wherein ye shall write the day and yere of every wedding , christenyng and burying made within yor parish for your tyme , and so every man succeeding you lykewise .
5 I tried to find a method whereby I could seize the effect of motion … how to arrest a movement in a few bold strokes , catching the passing moment and finding new forms … my goal was always to express emotion and experience with large and simple forms and clear colours ’ .
6 When you heard me I was imagining a process whereby you 'd have a strategic sites policy in the structure plan which would enable a local authority in preparing its local plan if it wished to identify a strategic site and that would then become in the local plan , you know subject to all those consultation processes , and then it 's part of the portfolio that is available in the published arena with a statutory framework behind it .
7 Our classification is based solely on the speaker-variables of age , sex and area , and on contextual styles , and this is regarded as a procedure whereby we can establish the internal linguistic norms of the community .
8 With regard to informal partnerships , s.2 Partnership Act 1890 provides a number of rules whereby we can ascertain the nature of the enterprise and identify whether or not it is a partnership within the scope of the 1890 Act .
9 A National Film Studio , combining the small companies into one strong conglomerate , had been proposed , but this idea made no more headway than a proposal to negotiate a reciprocity deal with the Americans , whereby they would take a certain number of British films into national distribution in return for free access to British screens .
10 In Edwin Hill & Partners v. First National Finance Corporation a finance company which had a legal charge over B 's property to secure a loan came to an arrangement with B whereby they would develop the property themselves rather than exercise their power of sale under the charge .
11 Was there ever a custom mentioned to you whereby they used to put a cairn down ?
12 Then there is the little understood sense possessed by certain fishes , whereby they can detect an object because of its minute electrical activity .
13 There is ‘ no coherent set of personnel procedures , for lay employees or for ministers , whereby they can see a career path with training and proper systems of appraisal . ’
14 Large transient hotels very often enter into agreements with certain airlines or travel agents whereby they will hold a number of rooms specifically for them on a guarantee basis .
15 Matisse had an arrangement with Miró whereby he would buy the latter 's works and put them on the market when the time seemed right .
16 But if the patient could be restored to a state whereby he could enjoy a further period of life at the level of comfort he previously had , then it should be treated .
17 And if it were up to me , I 'd just want to talk about music , about a certain passage of Mozart and how I would place the emphasis at certain points , and how I feel I 'm a good interpreter at the piano , but not particularly a good technician … ‘
18 To see how I would handle a bit of academic incompetence ?
19 My hand was shaking as I tried to imagine just how I would perform the robbery .
20 How I would stalk the world ! ’
21 So again , we find that Chewong reaction to perceived violence — which is how I would describe the abuse of the jealous woman — is to retreat from it .
22 I am not confident about how I should take the hon. Gentleman 's concluding remarks , but I shall bear with equanimity what I suspect may be a poisoned chalice .
23 Can you advise me on how I could repair a chip in its outer rim ?
24 I 've been thinking that you ought to get away from here for a bit , but I do n't quite see how I could leave the hospital just now .
25 So I began to think how I could write a crime story that did not have a British setting .
26 It ends with a space for the respondent 's name and address , saying : ‘ Yes ! please send me details on how I can foster an orphan elephant . ’
27 I do not see how I can answer the question as I could not see properly the document that the hon. Member was waving .
28 How I can make a start cleaning up Clapham High Street I would like to know .
29 I would have shown you how I can make a scone … scones .
30 Er can you tell me please er how I can avoid a particular charge .
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