Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [adj] it is [that] " in BNC.

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1 Your otherwise excellent cover version album was sadly marred by a long speech detailing how annoying it is that the price of eggs has gone up in Narodny-Karabakh .
2 How refreshing it is that this year 's number one is Whitney Houston 's I Will Always Love You .
3 She then proceeds to whinge about how confusing it is that the Odeon Mezzanine , the Odeon Leicester Square and the Odeon West End are all situated within yards of each other .
4 We lead her back towards the Odeon Mezzanine and break the ice by saying interestingly how confusing it is that the Odeon Mezzanine , the Odeon Leicester Square and the Odeon West End are all situated within yards of each other .
5 How strange it is that the Danish ‘ No ’ vote does not count , while the narrow French ‘ Yes ’ vote does .
6 ‘ Now that we know British food is just about the worst in the world , ’ says Jonathon Porritt , director of Friends of the Earth UK , ‘ how ironic it is that we and other rich nations are exporting fat and sugar to starving people in Africa and Asia .
7 When you come to think about it , how amazing it is that a singer whose recording career lasted only seven years ( where Decca is concerned ) could produce enough material to fill ten CDs even allowing for the addition of much off-the-air material , and excluding Das Lied von der Erde , the Klemperer Kindertotenlieder and Mahler 's Second , and Brahms 's Liebesliederwalzer , the last three just issued on three further discs in Decca 's Historic series .
8 Make a comment on stage even , for Christ 's sake , about how sad it is that we 're staring down the barrel of a gun at a fuck of a lot of young corpses , widowed wives and fatherless children ?
9 Make a comment on stage even , for Christ 's sake , about how sad it is that we 're staring down the barrel of a gun at a fuck of a lot of young corpses , widowed wives and fatherless children ?
10 How fortunate it is that enthusiasts such as Col. Savill have accumulated a wealth of material illustrating the railway scene .
11 Jennie explained how crucial it is that a rider can use his aids independently of each other .
12 Grey breath in the air , snowmen on the heath , pub bores droning on about how typical it is that a few inches of snow throws the whole country into chaos when the Swiss handle metres of the stuff without missing a beat .
13 The method concerns itself both with what the underlying unit actually is , and also with how likely it is that we are observing a real effect rather than some random one .
14 how likely it is that you personally will be affected by the cutbacks ;
15 How unlucky it is that my good master is not at hoe .
16 And the thing is , I did n't think to myself how terrible it is that people have to live those lives .
17 IT is seldom remarked how curious it is that so many people need to find a meaning to life .
18 We have already seen how unlikely it is that any party would go before the electorate avowing such differences : an exhibition of disunity would be too damaging to its chances of success .
19 The second strong PR option would be to take the opposite line , to say how outrageous it is that there is all this terrible auditing going on , and to promise painful retribution for the wrongdoers .
20 You will understand how important it is that he does , ’ The message was that if there was no agreement at Chicago , Congress might not be in a mood to furnish further British Lend-Lease requirements .
21 This caused disquiet amongst Colonial officials and prompted Creech Jones , the Colonial Secretary in the later years of the Labour government , to circulate a memorandum to the Cabinet in early 1947 in which he said : ‘ I know full well how important it is that our overseas payments should be kept as low as they possibly can be , but I can not believe that this justifies a course which is contrary to our declared policy in regard both to Colonial and to commercial matters and contrary also to the policy which has long been pursued by the Labour Party . ’
22 Those with experience stress how important it is that the carer and the dependant should not become indispensable to each other or never spend time apart .
23 The right hon. Gentleman has explained how important it is that the rights of the Opposition should be restricted .
24 And I want to stress this morning how essential it is that the link between the Labour Party and the unions be maintained .
25 She says that between three and four thousand people in the country have so far registered complaints about the drug with their solicitors — they will have to be examined before any action is taken to get expert advice on how probable it is that their problem was caused by the Myodil injections .
26 ‘ BCCI has emphasised how vital it is that auditors should speak plainly and freely to the Bank , ’ Chancellor Norman Lamont said .
27 How vital it is that those influential in the field possess this necessary understanding of children 's imagery and how they learn through what they draw and construct .
28 The disparity between the revenue raised by the BBC in Scotland and the resources allocated by London to Scotland , reported today , highlights just how crucial is the debate over the BBC 's charter and how vital it is that it is made much more prominent in Scottish life .
29 It is also said that he leaves the defence undermanned , but neither charge was proved on Saturday as Barcelona rode adversity in an absorbing match that emphasised , as one knew it would , how hurried and imprecise so much of the British game has become and how necessary it is that we cherish such exceptions as Liverpool , Norwich and Nottingham Forest if the art is not essentially to be driven out .
30 How true it is that the Labour Party has owed more to Methodism than to Marx .
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