Example sentences of "i [vb base] put " in BNC.

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1 They are missing out on a lot of talent in people who I think put more into their job . ’
2 Here is a suggested first reading list , which I 've put together to provide a broadly representative selection of significant periods in the theatre 's development .
3 She has also warned me that the little porcelain giggling buddha I 've put in the tomato plant pot outside my front door ‘ will probably be nicked by the Arab boy who delivers the newspapers . ’
4 Today , I 've put in a runner bean — it must be all of twenty inches long — but I do n't grow them specially .
5 I 've put through a call to London and I 'm waiting for them to ring me up .
6 ‘ The B81 power pack is in the back of the stores truck , Corporal Bromby , ’ AQMS Williams explains , ‘ I 've put the casualty 's location and registration number on the Taskrep card ; get away as soon as you can .
7 I 've put it on the back burner , but have never given up the long-term goal of going round the world by sailboat .
8 I 've put the heating on .
9 School makes me nervous ; when I walk down the corridor I feel that everyone is staring at me , and because a lot of people know about my anorexia they think it their job to comment constantly on what I am eating or not eating , and how much better I look now that I 've put on weight .
10 Outwardly , now , everything is fine : I 've put on weight , I 've done what my mum and the doctors wanted .
11 He put the tumbler on the bedside table : ‘ I 've put salt in the water , sir . ’
12 ‘ Well , I 've put my name forward , ’ said Percy .
13 A towel that I 've put over the radiator to get warm so I can wrap it cosily round myself and hug myself dry .
14 It 's like a toy town I 've put away in the cupboard because I 'm too old for it and here it is , still waiting for me .
15 I 've put so many features on this , but also put a lot of thought into the layout , so it 's easy to see what switch does what .
16 I 've put the belt in for when he 's bad and I 've sewn him in for the winter .
17 Part of my job as a media commentator is to slag off other journalists — it 's what makes it all worthwhile — and I 've put knees into the groins of such eminences as Alastair Burnet , Peter Sissons and Donald Trelford , without so much as a raised eyebrow in Kingsland or City roads .
19 I 've put Mrs Markham 's clean washing all ready in the hall .
20 I 've put that car of yours in me shed .
21 I made the brandy sauce for the pud but I think I 've put too much brandy in it and now Paul wo n't let me back in the kitchen .
22 I 've put them in cabin 9 , next door to the boat's-crew lot .
23 I want to fight the best people and to be given respect for all the hard work I 've put into boxing , particularly in the gym . ’
24 ‘ It 's probably just me — you 'll be alright ( you 'd better not be after I 've put up such a struggle ) .
25 I 've had the same look for the last 7–8 years and during that time I 've put on some weight .
26 I 've put the Kingsley account under ‘ C ’ as the ‘ K ’ drawer is full of my knitting literature . ’
27 Ironside , who produced a string of spectacular saves , said : ‘ That 's the best performance I 've put up in front of the television cameras and such a big crowd . ’
28 But I 've put him in touch with engineer Eric Pendry who came into my office nine years ago with a story about his son , Paul , who was also shot dead on an SAS live-fire training exercise .
29 I 've used certain Hendrix lyrics and poems throughout the exhibition and I get grief from Fairchild if I 've put a comma in the wrong place .
30 I 've put up with the place for nearly twenty years . ’
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