Example sentences of "i [verb] heard " in BNC.

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1 Of course I heard I 've heard all the arguments about co-opting , but I 'll tell the Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh this that who 's going to do the co-opting , those who are already on the police authority
2 ‘ No , I mean heard . ’
3 I 'd heard on the grapevine it was nearly settled . ’
4 I 'd heard it was a lovely area but was n't prepared for its rugged beauty .
5 I 'd heard him for a bit by then .
6 I 'd heard the voice of an angel — and when a meeting was eventually arranged between David and myself , through NEMS ' who were handling both of us at the time , I expected a very pimply youth to be standing there .
7 I 'd heard that American Music Club were something wonderful , but when I saw them at the Grand in Clapham recently , I was n't that impressed .
8 I 'd heard a programme about an Indian craftsman who made wooden elephants .
9 I 'd heard of Doctor Delvin but had no idea how important he was .
10 I 'd been caddying for Ralph Moffatt on the pro circuit and got him through the pre-qualifier at Fairhaven , so I told him I 'd be caddying for him in the Open as I 'd heard nothing from Jack .
11 I 'd heard North Shore aficionados reminiscing about the ten-point tube Pottz had caught here back in '82 .
12 I mentioned the stories I 'd heard about Johnny Boy to Michael Willis .
13 I 'd heard from a sceptic that there were only six basic shots in surfing photography and everything else was just window dressing .
14 I 'd heard he was vegetarian .
15 Of course , I 'd heard of AIDS and the destruction of that immunity , but somehow that was happening to homosexuals in LA or Brighton and not here with me , deep in the pastoral Hampshire countryside .
16 I 'd heard all about Group from Rosemary and it did n't seem to be my sort of place .
17 I 'd heard the door spring open and the stairs groan as she made good her escape .
18 But I 'd heard him .
19 I 'd heard some of the other men in the village mention the possibility of a game reserve for tourists , and I held my breath , wondering if Kalchu was going to implicate me , as they had done .
20 I 'd heard , ma'am . ’
21 I 'd heard rumours , but discounted them .
22 I wondered if I 'd heard him right .
23 I 'd heard Dad and Eva in the bar analysing the performance as if it were Miles Davis 's farewell appearance .
24 It was more aggressive than anything I 'd heard since early Who .
25 I 'd heard most of the words that ‘ Jaz ’ used to express his feelings at his misfortune ; the Head 's wife had n't , apparently , since ‘ Jaz ’ was immediately dragged off to the Head 's office to ‘ explain himself ’ .
26 I 'd heard Joe Walsh and Pete Townshend used them quite heavy , and I rather liked the tone they got , so I slowly built it up until I got up as high as I could be comfortable with , and I 've been using that gauge ever since . ’
27 I had a little Fender lap-steel guitar , and I 'd heard bottleneck players and blues players and I kept trying to play like that and I just could n't figure it out .
28 My D35 did sound less snappy than the 28s and 21s I 'd heard and played , which were all early- and mid-'60s .
29 I did n't know what to say : I could n't believe that I 'd heard him correctly .
30 I 'd heard tales about some people having seen an old man down there but not for a long while , he would n't hurt anyone so your lad need n't be scared of him . ’
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