Example sentences of "[indef pn] must [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This month , everyone must write about this ; next month , nobody is allowed to write about that .
2 One must hope for that ; the present position was Mrs Gracie 's fault , and had led to nothing but the discovery of passion .
3 There are other arguments that have been made along the same general lines , to the effect that to capture regular processes ( e.g. syntactic regularities ) one must refer to pragmatic concepts ( see e.g. Ross , 1975 ) , arguments that will arise from time to time in the Chapters below .
4 It was mentioned earlier that one must distinguish between economic efficiency and cost-cutting .
5 While one must distinguish between formal access and real accessibility , there are more second routes and second chances , and fewer dead-ends and irreversible choices than in the past , and the whole notion of ‘ stages ’ has to be interpreted in the light of the individual 's self-perception and the increasing fluidity of age-roles .
6 To return to the earlier days of the state , however , one must remark upon several other provisions of the Kanunname of Mehmed II if only to avoid giving the impression that , at least in these early days , the establishment of a hierarchy for the ulema meant that a scholar , once enmeshed in its toils , had no option but the long grind to the top of that particular profession .
7 In the absence of locally based population studies , combined social work/GP screening etc , one must plan on general guidelines .
8 ‘ The basic thing one must understand about these decisions is that they are desperately disturbing and agonising for the parents .
9 Then , fastening his zip , he said , ‘ One must trust to that star in man which is the visionary imagination .
10 One must add to this the spread and easier availability of pornography , television which not only normalises such changes , but on occasion appears to be in support of them , and the lack of a firm moral grounding in sex education .
11 And one must add to this information on the very recent history of the price level the plethora of informed predictions by economic pundits of the likely future course of the price level .
12 One must add to this that the limitations to an experiment often lie in the performance of transducers , and the experimentalist should always be on the alert for new possibilities .
13 The same method can not be used for a polymer and one must resort to comparative techniques .
14 There is little enough of that in the outback and one must search for alternative modes of expression , perhaps among the varieties of modern art which have taught us to see in different ways .
15 To understand how his new stance was formulated , one must search for implicit features in the previous stance , when his target was the English monarchy .
16 Finally , one must look for some representation in accounts of the personal style deemed appropriate in an encounter in a given type of situation .
17 To understand why he was willing to take such an immense risk with his own reputation as well as with France 's future , one must look beyond personal ambition .
18 To compete at top international level one must comply with certain basic concepts , such as training for four months before a test series .
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