Example sentences of "[indef pn] should [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Why everyone should make a will
2 Magical , mystical , fascinating and colourful , the culture and way of life in the Orient is so very different from our own that everyone should pay a visit at least once during their lifetime .
3 Everyone should have a grandmother like yours .
4 Everyone should have a GP , but it can be difficult to find one if you use drugs .
5 ‘ Perhaps everyone should have a weakness , ’ Jessamy said slowly .
6 If a decision has been taken about liability for emotional injury one way or the other , and there can be no controversy what decision that is , then everyone should have a right that that decision be enforced until it is publicly disavowed in the same way .
7 ‘ I think everyone should have a donor card because , when your life has gone , you could save someone else 's .
8 So everyone every everyone everyone should have a copy of the questions in their book just to tell what they 've worked on .
9 Everyone should have a chain fixed to the front door .
10 No-one should buy a property solely on the strength of the initial particulars .
11 SO YOU THINK someone should make a film about your life ?
12 So you still think someone should make a film about your life ?
13 For the basic beliefs stand in inferential relationship with more interesting beliefs about public objects , and these beliefs are certainly dubitable ; there is always a possibility that someone should have a reason to doubt them .
14 Someone should keep a weather eye on young Geoffrey . ’
15 But there 's a business going on there that somebody should put a spoke into , before something happens and a life is destroyed . ’
16 Hillwalkers seeing one should send a card with the date and map reference to the RSPB or the Scottish Wildlife Trust .
17 What is critical is the need to realize that , if one accepts that AC fields are dangerous but inescapable , then one should choose a power line frequency which wo n't set our ions jangling .
18 Market one should make a market test after the prototype has been developed in order to study the need beyond that implied in the original concept
19 Thus one should avoid a theory of the origin of species , which would inevitably be unscientific , and concentrate on describing and classifying the existing species .
20 No one should feel a loser in any way .
21 If one pays for a pint of beer , one should get a pint of beer .
22 It is right that when one pays for a pint of beer , one should get a pint of beer .
23 Clearly , no one should enter a profession without subscribing to its fundamental tenets .
24 Management one should have a person who is able and willing to take a career risk by being identified with the venture
25 Perhaps one should keep a picture of hideous confusion pinned to the kitchen door in the same way as slimmers keep a fat photo taped to the fridge as a deterrent to snacking .
26 as a management principal one should include a contingency fund
27 pollution , drug abuse , theft , murder erm the way you 're treated by adults , the way we treat one another , equality , no racism , violence , riots , everybody should have a right to an education , everybody should have the right to have their , their teeth filled when they need it , and teachers deserve more pay and more , it 's only for instance
28 But I ca n't see why anyone should invent a story like that . ’
29 It may be considerably easier to give the client an inclusive figure rather than explaining why anyone should want a service provided without skill , care and attention .
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