Example sentences of "[indef pn] who had [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If he could find someone who had been through the mill as he had and then collaborate with them , great things were possible .
2 ‘ I talked about it with friends and they always knew someone who had been through it who were twice the men they were before , ’ said Mr Morton , 59 .
3 Here was someone who had been through hell , but still could forgive the bombers , while pleading with them to realise the tragedy they were causing .
4 . When two of my sons were little boys I took them to our old great-uncle Lord Albemarle 's yearly reception on Waterloo Day , that they might hereafter be able to say in their old age that they had seen and spoken to someone who had been at the Battle of Waterloo himself .
5 He asked everyone who had been to Denmark about the barracks at Trelleborg and Aggersborg and Fyrkat .
6 ‘ At my local bookshop , called Ex Libris , in the Shambles at Bradford on Avon , ’ Kington writes , ‘ the man who looks after it once confided to me that his favourite browsing book when no customers were around was Desert Island Lists , which contained the records and books and luxuries chosen by everyone who had been on the programme in the Roy Plomley era .
7 Blanche coughed and responded that the police were talking to everyone who had been at the farewell party on the sixth floor , including Parkin and Pargeter .
8 As they approached , she recognised the leader of the group as being one who had been with the previous rafting party .
9 He was the one who had been inside me , so that I suddenly knew , like a reprieve , a baby was coming , my links were strengthening .
10 Since they 'd met he was the one who had been in charge , the one who had called the tune .
11 Anybody who had been to Venice must , he thought , confess that much of the beauty of that city consisted in the fact that at every turn the eye met with different kinds and styles of buildings , — at one moment Palladian and at another Gothic .
12 I was spellbound : I had never known anybody who had been to such a faraway country .
13 She said it was a routine enquiry and the police were interviewing everybody who had been at Ken O'Mara 's farewell .
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